Note to Acupuncturists

The articles in this website have little relation to TCM. The chiropractors who did muscle testing got to me, and changed my perspective. NAET, JMT, and Gonzalez Reflex Technique gave me the idea of being able to clear pathogens with vials. JMT showed that you could get rid of damp heat or fire in the joints by treating the pathogens that cause arthritis. This was a radical new pathway for acupuncture. Only they used kindergarden points. For those of you who missed the party, the revelation was that if you held a vial of pathogen(s) that caused the arthritis and then did standard acupuncture points and tapped along the shu points, you would “clear” the pathogen from the tissues. You can prove a version of this for yourself by finding someone with arthritis, getting a vial of mycoplasma arthritis, and placing a silver pellet on Lung 10 on one hand for ten minutes while they hold the vial. Next, remove the vial and pellet and place a new pellet on the other Lung 10 for ten minutes. Compare pain levels and strength in the thumb joints between sides. Holding any vial of any relevant pathogen will always increase the strength of an acupuncture treatment.

If you hone in on the exact point that controls the area of infection, say the left upper jaw with ST 32, then the treatment will be that much more effective. Body maps are included at this site for those who would truly like to know what they are treating. Those who wear glasses can scrub the pots more diligently.

In order to make scrubbing the channels more universal, all points on the body were touch scanned as a sort of ‘spell check’ for the meridians. Only it was done on the mini system of the Korean hand model. That eliminated the need to know exactly which point treated which area. Self treatment without professional knowledge became possible.

Originally it was hoped that this clearing process alone would be sufficient cure, as in JMT, but the spirochetes didn’t stay cleared. The coinfections did. composite vials were created to deal with the growing numbers of species and subspecies of coinfections.The contents are all listed in the Lyme Kit page. These vials also contain pathogens that patients might be exposed to at some point. Thus they may serve to prevent as well as clear infection in immune compromised persons.

Some thought it vital that each pathogen be cleared separately, but most clients can clear dozens of pathogens at once without a problem. Those with very sensitive nervous systems may have to modify the procedure. These bodies may need to focus on only one set of pathogens at a time. The problem with the traditional acupuncture treatment for Lyme is that it barely keeps the pulses strong for a day or two, as measured by chiropractic field testing of the pulse energy. The spirochetes themselves are the equivalent of a hurricane assaulting the immune system, and just supporting the guys on the bleachers doesn’t cut it. Nor does direct attack with either herbs or antibiotics, as the spirochetes just roll into cyst form and wait in the dermal layers for the attack to subside.

Ultimately, the body’s own immune response to the spirochetes is going to have to be adequately trained. Using conventional immune stimulants like ST 36, LI 11 and maitake, astragalus and ginseng, just provoke the inflammatory branch of the immune system and make the patient feel worse. The Immune Booster chart lists points that when stressed, weaken the spine on Lyme infected clients. When treated, they seem to create the correct type of immune response. It’s only a tentative first step towards unraveling the attack plan.

Chinese medicine is predicated on the idea that altering the terrain will discourage the pathogens. Western medicine is more about that the pathogen creates the terrain. This protocol reflects an obsession with the second option, because the nature of this war demands it. Lyme disease is not just a minor imbalance of forces, but acts as if it were specially designed to decimate the human immune system.

One can and should add constitutional or acute treatment to these basic strategies. What one should never imagine though, is that conventional formulas and treatment are going to be adequate to keep the infection from going deeper. Formulas used here, whether homeopathic, herbal or of acupuncture, had to strengthen vials relating to T killer cells, mitochondria, spinal nerves, brain areas and joints on almost every client with the disease. If you remove any herb or flower from the remedies, they will not test as well.

No-one should imagine that this is a cure or definitive treatment for Lyme disease. It is attempt to create a series of energy bolstering tactics. The first tactic is to hold vials to create immune recognition. The second is to tone points with homepathics instead of needles, and self-administer them through generalized swipes through a number of points. The third is to recognize correlations between acupuncture points and western anatomical areas and functions and then put them to use. The fourth is to judge the value of a potential treatment by its energetic effect on pulses, body reflex area and vials before it is given. Chiropractors have been pioneering work with vials and muscle testing for forty years now. This epidemic seems to require the deeper insight those tools provide.

Leg meridians


The pericardium channel can be accessed through the old points, but it’s true path seems to follow along the bone, like its jueyin partner, the liver. It’s less painful to treat it nearer the bone. It strengthens the middle of the channel better as well as it’s Korean hand counterpart. It’s like a helicopter looking at a river running alongside a canyon, it can be viewed and accessed from different angles. PC 1 is found medial to ST 13 under the clavicle.

The ting points on the Lung, Pericardium and Heart are better found on the palmar side of the hand, but are less painfully accessible through the point locations we learned in school. Ht 7 & Lu 9 are also on the palm, but better needled from the wrist. The points traditionally found on the elbow joints are much stronger if placed under the head of the bones.

Arm bones: LU 1-11. On the arms, it seems that Lung treats the periosteum, while Heart treats the bone itself. LU 1-2/HT 1-2 treats the scapula and head of humerus, Lu 3-4/HT 4 treats the humerus, LU5-9/HT4-8 treats the radius, LU 11/HT9 treats distal digits. The point location for Lung 2 may actually be found in the bicepital groove, since qi seems to manifest most strongly under the heads of the bones. Lung 1 would then be the entire pool found under the acromium.

Hand bones (carpals): LU 7/ HT 7. Thumb joint and proximal digit joints: LU 10/HT 8. Distal digit joints: LU 11/HT 9.

UB 53-54 treats the hip bone. SP 12-16 treats the periosteum of the hip and acetabulum. GB 29-30 treats the head of the femur. SP 10-SP 11 treats the periosteum of the head of the femur. SJ 1-5 treats the joint capsule.

Leg and feet bones:
On the legs, it seems that Spleen treats the periosteum, while Kidney treats the bone itself. Toes: SP 1-5, K 1-6, Tibia: SP 6-9, K6-10. Fibula: GB 33-39. Femur: SP 10-11, K1-11.


Sacrum and coccyx: UB 31-35. UB 54-55. Add a huato line for the matrix. articulating surface with hip: SJ 1-3

Spinal column: UB line at level of points. Body or matrix of bone of spine, discs: Huatos. Facets: SJ at level of arm if hanging by side. Lumbar facets= SJ 4-5.

Spinous Process: ST 12-30. Sacral spinous processes: ST 30-31. Cervical: ST 9-10.

Transverse processes: The transverse processes are treated by the outer UB line, at the level you find them. For example, UB 52 treats the transverse process of the 2nd and 3rd Lumbars (UB 22-23). Articulating processes: UB 39-54 (base of butt) with the Kidney Channel all along inner thigh at the top of the femur where there is tenderness. There are no official acupuncture points along there, but if a vertebrae is infected you will find a weakness and often tenderness.

Thoracic ribs: SJ 5-13.

Head Bones

Lyme can be found energetically in all head bones, probably spreading from the sinuses, jaws, and teeth. The Sphenoid and the Nasal bone are mostly cartilage, and therefore easily permeated by the Lyme spirochete.

Frontal bones: ST 25-12. If these bones are not adequately treated, then the points that rest on top of these areas (ST 1-7), will not stay strong.(ST1-12 control cranial nerves.)

ST 41-44 with SP 1-5 jaw under upper back teeth and frontal sinuses
ST 36-40 (and down the leg): jaw under upper front teeth & molars
ST 35-30: maxilla or upper jaw bone
ST 30-25: the eye socket and ridge
ST 25-13: frontal bone or forehead

Hyoid bone: Lu 2

Jaw bone (Maxilla): ST 41-ST 36. The front teeth area is treated by ST 36, back teeth area by ST 41-44. If infection moves further up the jaw towards the eyes the points are ST 35-31.

Jaw (mandible): LI 1-20.

LI 1-4: under lower front teeth, condyle: LI 14. Mastoid process: LI 15, 16.

Nasal bone: LI 1-5 Vomer: SI 8 and area above it on humerus. Ethmoid: K 1-5

Occiput: UB 67-40.

Palantine bones: palate: SI 1-7 vertical: SI 8-10

Parietal bone: GB 24-41

GB 44-34 affects the occipital juncture with the Parietal Bone.

GB 33-26 affects juncture with temporal bone.

GB 26-16 affects juncture with frontal bone.

GB 16-1 affects the center line of the Parietal (GB 1 towards the back juncture with the occiput.)

Sphenoid bone: SJ 1-23

Outer wing of sphenoid: SJ 13-16 (16 at top of bone). Inner wings of the Sphenoid bone: SJ 17-23. The Pituitary gland is housed by the Sphenoid bone, so it is crucial to clear both yin and yang aspects of these areas. SJ 4 seems to treat the area surrounding the pituitary gland.

Temperal: LI 6-20. Styloid process: LI 12. Mastoid process: LI 15.

Trachea: Lu 3-4

Zygomatic: SI 9-19.

The nervous system helps turns the immune system back on.


There is a basic map to all the madness.

  • The Yin meridians on the feet treat the lobes of the brain while the Yin meridians on the hand treat the cortices.
  • Stomach Meridian treats the cranial nerves.
  • Gall bladder Meridian treats the Sympathetic ganglia to visceral effectors.
  • Bladder Meridian treats the sympathetic nervous system
  • San Jiao treats the sympathetic, and Small Intestine treats parasympathetic innervation to the glands of the head.

None of this will stay clear without clearing the sinuses and the bones of the skull.


Cerebellar Anterior: K 5. Cerebellar Posterior: K 4. Frontal: SP 1-5. Occipital lobe: K 1-5. Parietal: LV 9-14. Limbic Lobe: K 10-11 on thigh. Temporal: LV 1-5 (Color area: LV 4. Tool area: LV 3. Nouns: LV 1).


Endorhinal Cortex: between K 7 and 9. Frontal cortex: LU 9-11.

Mesiocephalon Cortex: K channel below condyle at top of femur. Temporal

Cortex: PC 7-9. Occipital Cortex: HT 7-9. Parietal Cortex: HT 1-3. Motor cortex: HT 2. Olfactory: HT 1. Orbital frontal: LU 8. Prefrontal Cortex: LU 8.

HT 2. Premotor Cortex: HT 3. Somatosensory: Ht 4. Visual: LU 6, HT 7


K1 treats top of the brainstem. K 1 has a new location. (See Revision of Confluent points article for proof.) it is found under the first digit of the foot, directly beneath LV 1. Medulla: K 3 /UB60. Pons, Deencephalon: K 2 Telencephalon: K1

Misc. Brain Areas:

The brain is very difficult to map, since it thrives on connections and networking. The following are mere notes on points that seem to influence certain vials related to different areas.

Broca’s Area: HT 5
Caudate nucleus: HT 2
Center vasomotor: K 10 3 inches above joint
Central canal: LV 4-5
Cerebellum: HT 5-7, K 4 (posterior), K5 (anterior) -cortices and lobes
Cerebral peduncle: superior-Lu 11. inferior: Lu-9, middle-Lu 10
Cerebrum: LU 9-11
Cingulate: LV 10
Corpus callosum: PC 1-3
Endorhinal cortex (location/mapping area of brain): PC 5
Falx cerebri: CV channel huatos at base of palm in KHT
Fusiform gyrus: half way between K9 and 10.
Hippocampus: K 3, new location
Hypothalamus: K 4 new location
Insula: LU 7
Lateral Sulcus: LV 7, new location
Long term memory and lateral genticulate: PC 2 medial geniculate: closer to
elbow joint on PC, distal to PC 2.
Menninges. Pia: LU 1 & 2. Dura: K channel, top of thigh. Arachnoid &
Subarachnoid space: PC 1-2. Subdural space: LV channel, LV 10-11 area.
Nucleus accumbens: Lu 2
Olfactory Bulb: LV 1 and 2
Pons: K4 new location
Putamen: K9
Reticular Activating System: K 4-6, new locations
Septum pellucidum: LV 1
Tentorium cerebelli: HT 8-9
Ventral Media Nucleus Hypothalamus: HT channel between 1 and 2 near
3rd Ventricle: K8
4th Ventricle: K 9
Lateral ventricle: 3 inches below knee crease on K channel.
Wernike’s: PC 1, new location under collarbone, medial to ST 13.

The brain has considerable plasticity. A person with a stroke to the parietlal lobe can end up using the temporal lobe to take over lost functions. Deaf and blind people also use other parts of the cortex to enhance their senses. Therefore, none of these point locations are fixed.

UB1-10 forms the spine of the brain, clears the area underneath. These are the railroad tracks into the brain.

The brain is the hardest area to keep clear. The Lyme spirochetes love neurons, and once they get in there, they have a lot to feast on. The softer bones of the skull; the sphenoid, the palate, the sinus and nasal bones make it easier for the spirochetes to dig into and re-infect the brain.


Cranial nerves: ST 1-12.

I – Olfactory: ST 8 this is actually the first point on the ST meridian.

II - Optic: ST 1

III - Oculomotor: ST 2

IV - Trochlear: ST 3

V - Trigeminal: ST 4

VI - Abducens: ST 5

VII - Facial: ST6

VIII - Vestiulaocochlear: ST7.

IX, X- Glossopharyngeal, Vagus: ST 9 & 10.

XI - Accessory: ST 11.

XII - Hypoglosssal: ST 12.

Components of nervous system

Sympathetic Nervous System: UB Channel

Sympathetic chain ganglia to organs: GB channel. Cardiac ganglia: GB 22, 23. Mesenteric ganglia: GB 26-29. Ganglia to spleen, pancreas and kidney: GB 24, 25.

Parasympathetic Nervous system, Chain ganglia: channel halfway between Ren and Kidney on body, extending from palmar side of middle finger edges to base of hand in KHT.

Peripheral and spinal nerves: LV & PC channels. PC treats peripheral nerves above neck.

Collateral ganglion: SJ channel on body of hand in Korean hand, or points above neck on body.

Postganglionic fibers: Internal Heart channel on hand (see Korean Hand Chart).

Ventral nerves: CV channel. Ventral Root ganglia: Internal Lung channel found on Korean Hand model.

Dorsal nerve: GV channel. Dorsal root ganglia: Outer UB channel.

Myelin sheath: control points: LV 5/ PC 4, ST 12. The whole myelin sheath of the spinal cord can be treated by a Huato type channel found alongside Ren channel on Korean Hand model.


(see article on advanced site)

Crucial for treatment of nervous and immune systems

K 3 (new location), LU 7 strengthens the vial related to the Corticospinal tracts.

GB 41, SJ 5 treats the Rubrospinal tracts.

SI 4, UB 60 treats the Spinothalamic tracts.

SP 4, PC 6 treats the Spinocerebellar tracts.

ST 41/ LI 4 treats the Fasciculus Cuneatus and Fascululus Gracilis.

HT 6/ LV 3 treats the Reticulospinal tract.

Miscellaneous Points

None of these points are written in stone.

Appendix: LI 1-2 right side. Ascending colon: right LI Descending colon: left LI Sigmoid: left LI 5 Anus: left Li 1.


LU 9/SP 5-master points for both arteries and veins (LU 9 for upper body and SP 5 for lower body). Coronary: PC 2- 3. Arms: Lu meridian. Legs: Spleen on leg. Pretty much the closest point controls the area. The huato area of the ren channel found on the Korean hand model controls the aorta on the torso, and that same channel extending to the tip of the mid finger gets the arteries of the head. Veins Torso: Ki channel on torso. Arms: Ht Legs: Ki. The vascular endothelial ling of the arteries is treated by the liver and PC meridians.


K 4 new. UB 63-65 treats outer layer. Ureter: UB 59-57 Urethra: K 1-3


K1 & HT 9 It seems that the cilia points help clear sinus and ear cilia, and possibly those throughout the body such as in the kidneys or intestines.


HT 6 new (old HT 5)


Outer: SJ 2, 3, 4 same side. Inner: KI 2-4 new. Inner hair follicles: LV 9-10. Organ of Corti: HT 2. Eustachian tubes: K 3-7. Semicircular canals: LV 9


HT 2. Mouth: HT 5, Base of Tongue: Ht 6. uvula: HT 8


Optic nerve: old ST 1 , (new ST 2). iris: SP 4 retina: LV 5 vitreous humor: LU 6.


Bicuspid valve: HT 3 L. Tricuspid valve: HT 3 R. SA node: LV 8. Atrium: GB
33. Heart muscle: HT 1-9. HT 9 is the tip of the heart, HT 1 the top.)
Pulmonary valve: UB 60. Pulmonary trunk: LU 1-2.

Ileocecal valve: K -9.


KI 16-19, UB23. The kidney and the bladder are one of the prime areas or recurrence since this is how the spirochetes passes itself through the ecosystem.


ST 34, 35, 36, SP 9, SP 10, GB 32, GB 33, GB 34.


GB 39, SJ 6. Anatomically, the same area on the hand as the traditional leg
marrow area is SJ 6; it also tests to clear and strengthen marrow.

Reproductive Organs

There is much controversy about whether Lyme is transferred through seminal fluids. All active partners that I have seen test to be infected in the sexual areas, as shown by referral areas and vials. The Lyme spirochete is also transmitted in utero. Bartonella, Babesia, Erlichea, and Mycoplasmas also seem to be passed between partners. Vials that are specific to the ovaries and uterus, etc. show to weaken after unprotected sex with a partner. I have seen two cases where protection was used, and yet it seems to have passed by infection of spirochetes in the mouth.

Ovaries/Testes: LV 4- LV 12, KI 3- KI 14
Uterus/prostate: SP5- SP7, SP12-14 Huatos or area next to the spine of L4 and L5, UB 32.
Penis/Clitoris: LV 1-3
Seminal Vesicles: K 10 a
Vaginal area: SP 9-10
Endometrium: SP 1-3.
The uterus is an inverted organ so the order on the meridian is reversed as well. While for the penis and clitoris, the distal points on the feet treat the surface expression of the organs, the vaginal area is teated at the knee. The uterus is SP 6.
Fallopian Tubes and Fimbrae (vas deferens): KI 1-10. (K10 is near the ovary.)

Entrenched disease will move up or down these channels. Best to check every point on the KI, LV, and SP meridians up to the knee. Points around pubis and sacrum also must be cleared. Try using Korean hand acupuncture points that correspond to those points and areas.


Many inflamed rotator cuffs originating with an inflamed disc in the neck, shorting out muscles and nerves to the arms and hands. If the problem is bilateral, it is almost always due to neck problems. The 5th through the 7th cervical vertebrae control the nerves to the arms and hands. Treat by clearing and strengthening those rows on the Spine Chart. The cartilage in the cuff itself can also get infested with spirochetes. LU 1-2 treat the cuff.


Frontal: ST44-41 is the sinus proper, but SP1-4 treats the frontal mucosa. LI1-5 treats the nose and Lu 11 -7 the nasal mucosa.
Maxillary: SP 9-10.
Ethmoid: UB 60-57. K 1-4 for mucosa.
Sphenoid: GB 44-41. Liv 1-3 mucosa.


KI points on sternum (K 21-27). KI 27 representing the incisors, and KI 21 being the 3rd molars. All teeth points treat opposite side of mouth. There are points to the outside of ST 13 that treat the eye teeth. Easiest to treat on Korean hand model along the outer edge of palm.


Palantine: Lung 5. Pharyngeal: Base of second toe or HT 3. Lingual: Lung 1.

Korean Hand Revision

Korean Hand Revision

Korean Hand Revision

This article is about the discrepancies found on the Korean Hand map, but there were plenty found on the conventional body acupuncture charts as well.

A simple comparison of Korean points to body points can be used to show where errors have occurred on either Korean or regular acupuncture charts. If a stainless steel 1.2 mm pellet is placed on say, SP 6, on both the Korean hand location and the actual body point on the same side, it will create a strong energetic field. This field can be checked with an O-ring test, or any other type of muscle test. The thumb and the for-finger of the person wearing the pellets are held together, and the testing person tries to pulls those fingers apart. It should be hard to do so. If just one of those pellets on either hand or body is then moved to SP 7 and the O-ring is tested again, the finger will pull apart much more easily. The congruency between the hand and the body points can then be used to establish better maps.

While muscle testing various Korean hand areas and comparing them to body points, various discrepancies came up. Most charts showed that Liver and Spleen meridians would extend directly from the finger tips all the down into the palm of the hand. Liver 13 and Spleen 13 & 14 are shown on a direct line leading from Liver 12 and Spleen 12 from the base of the finger. This is incorrect. Once the meridians reach the base of the finger, the true sequence will have the meridians jump down to the base of hand. Since the pelvis and sacrum are known placed to be at the base of the hand, it only makes sense to have the points move from the base of the torso up towards the chest. Therefore Liver 12 & SP 12 are found at the base of the palm, and Liver 14 & SP 20 under the pad of the knuckle. (There is certainly a liver point in the basin of the pelvis, which I choose to believe is Liver 12b, supplemental to it’s location at the top of the femur, Liver 12 a.)

The major consistent errors on the Korean chart were two. First, all Korean meridians start or end at the tip of the fingers, at the level where the nail comes off of the finger. (Many maps start them at the root of the fingernail.) Second, the Korean map should extend down to the wrist bone, where the sacral bones are mostly found below or distal to the hand palm crease.

There were many surprises. The torso part of Kidney meridian did not run down the center of the palm, but along the side of the palm extending from the little finger Kidney meridian. Because the pelvis is the base of the hand, K 11 is found at the heal of the hand on the side, where K 27 is found just under the distal head of the 5th metacarpal. What was taught as the Kidney channel in Korean text is, in fact, a branch of the CV channel which affects the myelin sheath. If you extend that channel up the middle finger, though, you are back on an internal branch of the Kidney that seems to treat the falx cerebri of the brain. How does one know? Whichever vial relates to the area should strengthen by O-ring testing when treated. In addition, the Kidney pulse area, and no other pulse area, is affected when the head and neck area of the that channel is stimulated.

Next it became apparent that some of the yang meridian head areas were not found on the middle finger. The head regions of the LI, SJ, and SI meridians are really found on the palm or back of the hand. On most Korean Hand charts all the yang meridians run up and down the middle finger as the channels flow into the head, but if you do the O-ring congruency tests they do not pan out that way. Once the LI, SJ, & SI meridians hit the clavicle on the body, they move to the base of the hand on the Korean chart. SJ 15 is found at the base of the hand and SJ 23 is under the head of the knuckle on the line extending from outside of the fourth finger.

The meridians that ascend the middle finger are the Du, the Ren, the Bladder, the Gall Bladder and the Stomach. The Stomach channel runs along the middle side of the finger, the GB along the external edge, and the UB on a line drawn from down the side of the nail. On the palm side their is the aforementioned internal kidney channel running along the outer edge of the mid finger.

The Kidney and Spleen meridians on the body are not where TCM teaches them, so it will be difficult to get your congruencies with the Oring testing.1 The body Kidney meridian follows the Liver and Spleen, but on the bottom of the foot, under the first digit and metatarsal. SP 1, on the body, is better found at the root of nail, not at the tip. If the new locations are followed then comparing Korean points to regular body points will work.

The Bladder meridian was different from what was displayed in the Korean charts. The Shu points are strung along the back of the hand below the knuckles, not on the middle finger. It took a while to discard the idea that UB 11 wasn’t on the middle finger second joint, but that area corresponds to the top of the neck. The area between the first and second knuckle on the middle finger is the area of the head from the neck to the occipital protuberance, UB 10-UB 9. The area from the second knuckle to the first treat UB 9-6, the first knuckle to the tip of the finger treats UB 6-1. Because there are fewer lines on the back of the finger, the Bladder Meridian is a little further from the center than shown on most Korean charts. The closer line is the Huatos.

Another unexpected finding was that the Stomach meridian starts with ST 8. If you place a pellet at the side tip of the middle finger, where it comes off the edge of the fingernail, and then check which Stomach point on the body creates a strong O-ring test, you will find that it is Stomach 8. What could this mean? A strong correlation between the Stomach points and the cranial nerves seemed to be the reason. Each Stomach point above the neck corresponds to one of the cranial nerves in sequence, except that ST 1 on the body does not correspond to the first cranial nerve. (One uses vials of each cranial nerve and does the same sort of congruency testing.) The first cranial nerve is the olfactory nerve and shows a strong congruency test with the body point ST 8 or the Korean point ST 1. The top of the Korean hand meridian is the side of the head where one would find St 8 on an acupuncture chart. Logically, it wouldn’t make sense for the Korean hand meridian to go jutting up to the side of the head after point seven, so that is further support for this hypothesis. If the sequence of Stomach points is indeed related to the sequence of cranial nerves, then the first eight points should be renumbered on the body. The Stomach meridian is the only meridian found on the side of the middle finger.

The other doorway that opened was the possibility of exploring the internal pathways of the Yin meridians. The Heart, the Lung and Pericardium meridians all continue down to the base of the palm, although the traditional meridians end at the pads of the fingers. Stimulating each of the natural extensions of those meridians affects the respective pulse of that channel. Tentatively, it would seem that the internal channel of the Heart affects the lymph system, the internal channel of the Lung affects the aorta and ventral root ganglia, and the internal channel of the Pericardium affects the upper part of the peripheral nervous system as it runs into the brain and the corpus callosum.

The Korean hand model has become a favorite modality for treatment, because it allows so many new possibilities of treatment. Maps with points can be sent home with the patient so that they can treat themselves daily. Points can be accessed that cannot be easily treated on the body itself, such as groin or head areas. Pellets, magnets or laser can be used instead of needles. Internal, unmapped meridians that access areas of the body like the aorta can also be explored.

1 See Revision of Extraordinary Meridians on this website


  1. Order a lyme kit from Allergies Lifestyles and Health (1-360-832-8588 or It should contain the following mixes (8 vials). If there are no prostate or vaginal symptoms, then the STD vial can be left out. This will not treat everything you may find in long term chronically ill Lyme clients, but it is a good start. If your body only contains 1 or 2 of the species found in each vial, it will ignore all the rest. Treat just borrelias the first day.

Borrelia US Mix Plus

Borrelias burgdoferi, garinii, azfeli, and lonestarii: both their cyst and regular forms plus all 40 US subspecies of Borrelia burgdoferi.

Lyme Tick Coinfections I

Babesias: Microti, Duncanii,Divergens. B. odocoilei, B. equi, B. bovis . Erlicheas: Phagocytophila, Chafensii, Sennetsu, and Ewengi). Mycoplasmas: Arthritis, Buccalle, Orale, Faucinum, Fermentens, Genitales.Hominus, Incognitas, Lipophilium, Penetrans, Pneumonia, Pirum, Salivaris, Spermatophilia, Urealyticum.

Lyme Tick coinfections II

Bartonellas; Alsatia, Baciliformis, Birtlesii , Bovis, Clarridigeriae, Doshiae, Elizabetti, Grahamii, Henselae, Koehlerae, Melophagi, Quintana, Bartonella roehalimae, Schoenberg, Bart Tamiae. Taylori, tribocurum, Vinsonii, Bartonella vinsonii subspecies arupensis, Bartonella Vinsonni subs. berkoffi, Vinsonii sub. Vinsonii, Washoensis, Weisii.

Lyme Gut

E. coli,E coli 101A. Shigella sonnei, Shigella flexnari, Shigella paradysenteriae, Salmonella enteritis, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, Yersinia Entercolita, Clostridium Difficile, H. Pylori, Strep Faecalis, Mycobacterium Bovis, Bacillus Subtilis. Mycobacteria TB, Enterococcus malodorans. Proteus miribalis, Progenitor crypticoides. Propinobacter Acne, Corynebacteria Anaerobis, Klebsiellas: Pneumonia, Rhinoscleromatis, Ozena & Oxytoca.,campylobacter jejeuni

Lyme Viruses

HHV6 A, EBV, HPV 16 & 18, XMRV, Herpes 1 & 2, Shingles, Herpes Zoster, CMV, Human Parvovirus, Echo 20, Varicella, Enterovirus VP1, Adeno 8, HERV-W, coxackie virus A4.

STDS Vaginitis

Atopium vaginae, Bacteriodes fragiles, Gardenerella vaginae, Herpes Simplex 1&2, Haemophilus ducreyi, and vaginalis, Strep agalatica, Chamydia trachomatis Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Mobiluncus mulieris & curtisii, Trichomonas vaginalis, Trepanoma pallidum, Candidas: albicans, glabrata, tropicales, & pseudotropicales.

Lyme Fungi mix

Asperigili: flavus, niger, clavatus, versicolor, parasiticus, fumigatus, ochraceus. Candidus, Intermedius and Terreus. Candidae: albicans lipolytica, pseudotrop, tropicalis, rugosa, stellaloidea, krusei, glabrata, dubliniensis, kefir, parapsilosis, geotrechum. Penecillum: rubrum, notatum, camembert, roquefort, chrysogenum. Coccidoides immitus. Cryptococus neoformas. Mucor muceda and racemos.Taenia pedis, tritophyton menta interdigitalis.

Lyme Sinus

chlamydia pneumonia, peptostreptococcus anerob. haemophilis parinfluenzae, haemophilis influenzana A-E. strep mitis, strep pneumonia& resistant Strep pneumonia,Strep a-g,s bacilinum, staph aureus. Meningicoccus a&c. Staph Albus Penecillum rubrum and notatum. Mucor racemos and muceda. klebsiella pneumonia, Ergot, enterococinunum, enterobacteria. Strep pyogenes, strep agalatica, strep mutans, strep a hemolytica, strep b hemolytica, strep faecalis, ergot.

Lyme Remedies for Children

It is difficult to get children to take pills, so flower remedies that enhance immunity around Lyme spirochetes are a useful alternative. The remedies can be slipped in water or juice and do show to strengthen pulses and vials relating to immunity and nerves. It would be advisable to perform the carwash on them at least once a week, or teach it to them as a daily ritual like brushing their teeth. Without the carwash, the coinfections are not treated. When or if the first remedy stops working, as evaluated by a profession muscle tester, then try the second remedy for Resistant Lyme. If the child shows evidence of Herv-W infection, then add that remedy at least ten minutes apart from the first one.

There are also certain foods that strengthen pulse around lyme disease - redskinned peanuts being the primary one. If your kids are eating peanut butter than switch to valencia peanut butter. An article on foods that aid to inhibit lyme is included at the bottom. Many of my clients tried these foods for a while, but then tended to get sick of them. It is included mostly because it might inspire somebody else to look further along these lines.


1/2 dropperful per quart, or 2 droppersful per gallon of water, sipped many
times throughout the day, provides your best support. Leave on your table and put it into whatever you are drinking.

chaparral pink
chesnut bud St. John’s wart cerrato
agrimony California
impatiens rabbitbush fairy lantern cayenne

Make a mother tincture by placing 3-4 drops of each flower essence in a 2 or 3 ounce dropper bottle of brandy or Everclear. Tap 50 times on bottom to activate. Use to start many other bottles by adding 3 drops of this mixture to an other 2-3 ounce dropper bottles of alcohol (and tapping).

The current remedy is my twenty second attempt at enhancing immunity around the Borrelia spirochetes. It is based on the idea of intercepting the manganese uptake mechanism of the spirochetes.

It consists entirely of English and North American flower remedies. You can buy them from F.E.S. P.O.Box 1769, Nevada city, Ca. 95959. This formula strengthens most weak vials related to lyme. The formula on average extends the auric field around the person to around five feet. The untreated lyme patient usually has only a couple of inches of field strength. Purists in the realms of homeopathy insist that single remedies tailored to individual clients are better, because group remedies cancel out the individual wave patterns. With this disease, it seems to require an ecosystem to undo the damage incurred. Hence the name. Earlier formulas included nosodes of the pathogens themselves, but I found they actually tested weaker.

Most of my clients are on herbs or antibiotics as well as the remedy, because I do not find that flowers alone are sufficient to strengthen all the weakness created by the lyme pathogens. However, for kids and a few other people who are unwilling or unable to do anything apart from this remedy, it recharges their field, and strengthens immune related muscles and vials. It has also proved to be fairly adequate at keeping them from slipping in terms of pulse readings. I make no scientific claims for its efficacy.

Resistant Lyme Homeopathic

dogwood quaking grass black cohosh
black-eyed susan angels trumpet agrimony
oak violet rabbitbush
mullen vervain sticky monkey

HERV-W flower remedy

trumpet vine manzanita rock water
red chestnut larkspur dandelion
chaparral impatients  

if showing toxoplasmosis signs add: forget-me-not and mullein.

Lectins for Lyme

In the book Eat Right for your Type, Peter D’Adamo shows that certain foods inhibit certain bacteria. I looked for foods that would do this energetically for Lyme spirochetes and came up with the following: red spanish peanuts had the strongest strengthening effect on the nervous system. In order to make all the brain vials strong you needed to add quinoa, flax, green tea and some source of resveratol, such as organic Thompson raisins. The green tea cannot be decaffeinated. While I have no idea whether these food scientifically contain lectins that affect Lyme spirochetes, they do strengthen pulses of Lyme patients.


1 cup spanish (valencia) red peanuts (its the skins that have the lectins), roasted or raw. Sprouted is best, because they do not seem to aggravate latent herpes viruses as much that way.

1 1/2 cups cooked quinoa. Soak 1 cup for at least 1/2 hour before cooking.
Cook in 1 1/2 cups water for 20 minutes. Keep in the refrigerator.
1 cup flax seed or flax seed meal.
1 cup of organic Thompson raisins.
1 cup (sprouted) pumpkin seeds

If you use red quinoa instead of the yellow, then you get a much stronger response, and don’t need to use the raisins, flax, and green tea. Quinoa has toxins that need to be soaked out, so I think it is better to soak overnight if one has the time.

I am guessing that you need to consume 1/4 to 1/2 cup of this mix two times a day in order to keep the nervous system strong. This does not preclude the use of other herbs or lyme treatments if one is at all symptomatic. These foods seem to treat the lyme spirochetes only.

The combination of peanuts and red quinoa brings the pulses and most brain vials on most lyme patients to an 8 or 9 out of a possible 10 (good). Most untreated Lyme patients have pulses of 0-2 (bad). The joints and cerebral spinal fluid remained weak on all tested. Pomegranate juice brought in the nerve vials, I am thinking, 2-4 ounces pure juice once a day. All are important, but don’t need to be eaten at the same time or meal. Pumpkin seeds strengthen the vials for the cyst and L- spheroblast forms of Lyme and also strengthened the joints. Cherry juice or dried cherries strengthened delta and theta waves (necessary for deep sleep).

1/3 cup of peanuts, 1/2 cup of quinoa, 3 Tbsps of pumpkin seeds, 6 dried cherries and 3 oz. of straight pomegranate juice daily, preferably divided into two doses, is an average dose for an adult. Use half that for children. Those who are sicker may need to consume more, those who have fewer symptoms may get away with less. If all someone is willing to do is eat peanuts, then it is still a heck of lot better than doing nothing. Cat’s claw does no better in raising pulses than just straight peanuts, so for some, doing peanuts and quinoa and whatever else appeals may slow the progression.

For people suffering from other diseases, none of these foods had any affect on the immune system, or any other target area. They seem to be specific for Lyme.

Abstain from the peanuts and the pumpkin seed part if you are getting herpes viruses such as cold sores. Cut back on the amount when you have gotten over the virus.


On checking pictures of Africans afflicted with malaria, I found that placing a combination of lentils, ginger, turmeric and cayenne over their bodies would strengthen the blood and liver reflexes. No wonder the East Indians love curry! I thought this might be useful for Babesia microti, (one of the Lyme coinfections), and sure enough, it strengthens the blood energy of all those with untreated babesiosis. (Most of my clients seem to clear all the coinfections with the carwash alone, and therefore do not need to eat any of these coinfection foods.)

Peanut butter cookies

Grind separately in food processor or a strong blender:
1 lb. spanish peanuts, unsalted and sprouted
2 cups cooked red quinoa

Place in bowl with:
1 cup wheat or spelt flour
1/2 teaspoon of salt

Add and mix:
2/3 cup oil: safflower, corn or walnut
3/4 cup or less maple syrup or honey
1 tsp. vanilla.

Shape into walnut size balls and place on oiled baking sheet. Press down with a fork. Bake at 350 F. for 10- fifteen minutes. Only consume if not bothered by candida.

The original idea with the lectins was to treat asymptomatic children whose immune systems are still pretty intact and who aren’t likely to do anything else. Many of my clients loved the idea of getting away from pills. I only have a couple of clients who do this exclusively, and while it brings up the pulses considerably, it doesn’t strengthen all vials. Those who are in late stage Lyme need to bolster their defenses from as many aspects as possible. The problem is that these people are also very susceptible to Candida and shingles, and often allergic, so that neither plan can be executed without caution. People do tend to go overboard.

Rife Article

Rife machines have the potential to really alter the equation in Lyme treatment. They work by using resonant ultrasound frequencies for diseases that can shatter bacterial cells in petri dishes. The effort here is to present a process of creating relevant frequencies with muscle testing, in order to create a standard for evaluating their usefulness.

Older rife programs for Lyme never seemed to have much of an impact on acupuncture pulses or areas that the diseases infected.The inability to match precisely the species and frequencies seemed to be the cause. Over the last few years many more subspecies of borrelia burgdoferi, bartonella, babesia and mycoplasma have been discovered, complicating the treatment. Using muscle testing to create rife frequencies, it is now possible to get the exact frequencies for all of these pathogens, which greatly enhances effectiveness.

Evaluation of Frequencies

There are several ways to confirm whether the frequency attributed to the disease is functional. The first would be put the bacteria under a microscope, turn on the rife frequency, and see the bacteria or virus explode. That was how rife frequencies were originally documented. Since that method is not practical for most of us, we turn to energetic methods of confirmation.

Another easy way to confirm treatment validity is to check the target area of the bacteria, i.e.; a finger joint for an osteoarthritis frequency. Any useful frequency for osteoarthritis is going to reduce the inflammation in the joint, and thereby make that joint test stronger. This can be demonstrated with muscle testing. Hold the painful joint before using the frequency and pull down on a strong muscle on the person’s body, such as the forearm, the joint should make the muscle weak. After running the proper frequency for arthritis, pushing down should not be possible. The frequency has made the joint and the testing muscle strong.

In lieu of more expensive scientific methods, the best way to ascertain if the frequency is correct in less obvious cases than the one above, is to use vials to muscle test. These are somewhat like digital pictures of a pathogen or a location. Instead of testing the joint itself, in the instance above, a vial of that energy could be used to run a test. Just as the joint strengthens in the above example, the vial of a pathogen labeled joints, will also show strengthening when running a frequency that represents the energy in that vial. Homeopathic analogues of bacteria, viruses and body areas and functions are readly obtained from

When the frequency is correct, it will create a strong field around the vial of the pathogen. Energetic fields are kind of like radio waves that experienced practitioners can tune into and measure. Optimal fields for most entities are measured as ten, so if the frequency only makes the vial test at five, it is probably not the correct frequency.

Let’s try to clarify this. A liver vial placed on someone with a weak liver will reflect that weak field. Obviously the vial itself is not changing it’s own field strength. When you place a vial over a person with a weak field then the vial, if relevant, reflects that field.

To measure any field, place the hand of the person being tested over the area or object being tested. This can be a vial, or a chiropractic reflex area, or an acupuncture pulse. Extend the person’s other arm and push on that arm in a series of rapid pulses while counting to ten. When the arm drops you will know how strong the field is being created. If the arm drops at five, the field strength is five, if the arm drops at 10 then the field strength is optimally strong. To test a frequency, the same field is evaluated while the frequency is running. If a vial is used to test the frequency, then the vial needs to reflects an energy of 9-10 while running the frequency of the bacteria in order for it to be effective. Chiropractors familiar with CRA or Applied Kiniseology will easily be able to do this kind of testing. They will probably also be able to use their own fingers to self test the strength of any field. This is really a game for people with advanced muscle testing abilities, but the patient should know how it is done. Eventually all this diagnosis and evaluation will be done with machines, but for now we work with palpable energies.

When sorting through published lists of rife frequencies, the best bet for finding a true correspondence with a particular vial is to look for frequencies with decimal points. When a bacteria has only one listed frequency with a couple of decimal points, such as clostridium perifingus ( frequency 981.59 ), then that frequency will usually register as a ten. (When the vial is placed on the rife pad when the frequency is running, the field strength will allow one to push on the arm 10 times before dropping, while touching the vial.) When the list of frequencies for a bacteria contains no obvious candidate, then every frequency will have to be checked against the vial. Often when the frequencies do correspond, they will still need to be adjusted to create a stronger field. If the arthritis frequency of 962 for mycoplasma arthritis only brings the vial or the swollen joints up to 8, then decimal points will have to be added to bring the field to it’s maximal potential (962.42).

Many of the other frequencies in the list may relieve inflammation or have some other unknown benefit, but for my money it is usually only necessary to use the frequency that zaps the pathogen, because that will usually then eliminate the inflammation. The exception is when a pathogen has many stages of development. A malaria parasite may have 6 different stages that require intervention, each stage of which would need a different frequency.

Once the frequency is found, it should be checked against the area it is treating. Borrelias should be checked against joints, brain areas, spinal nerve vials, etc. Babesia frequencies should be referred to a red blood cell vial, or against chiropractic blood reflex areas and acupuncture blood points.The erlichea frequencies should strengthen the neutrophil vial, as that is where they hang out.

The goal is to have all target areas and the relevant vials testing strong 18-20 hours after running a treatment. Think of running a frequency as similar to watering a thirsty tree. The tree cannot be expected to experience saturation for the first few days. Give the frequencies a chance to work at two minutes per day for a week and see if the target areas and the vial test strong. Adjust if needed.

Once the co-infection frequencies have been determined, they should be used daily for 1- 3 months before stopping to see if the pathogen has really been cleared. Only after a vial and target area no longer show weakness several months after stopping a rife treatment should they be consider truly cleared. The babesias, bartonellas and erlicheas seem to be eliminated after a couple of months, while mycoplasmas and fungi may take longer. The borrelias themselves never seem to clear, they are only controlled. The HERV-W, XMRV, and herpes 6a viruses may or may not clear. (I haven’t dared to eliminate them yet.) Times are rather arbitrarily set at two minutes per day per co-infection pathogen. If someone has acute symptoms, then the program could be run twice daily or perhaps for longer times. The downside of running it too often or too long, is that it may drain energy from a person to send energy in too many directions.

The difficulty lies in diagnosing with vials the myriad opportunistic pathogens that may inhabit the gut or other places in a late stage lyme patient. When a patient has six different gut pathogens, then all six vials of those pathogens may have to be placed upon the body before the colon energy will register a field of ten. Because the energy of pathogens can be similar, it is always important to make sure the vial of the suspected pathogen registers against the target area. If the body is showing a weakness around anthrax, don’t believe it unless it corrects a lung weakness. Ultimately this is energetic and empirical diagnosis, if a strep frequency strengthens the lung pulse completely then it is likely that there is a strep infection, but it is not proof. Energetic healers are only dealing with energies.

The Treatment of Borrelia: the Screen Door

The strategy for treating spirochetes is considerably more difficult. 40 US subspecies of borrelia burgdorferi are now known to exist, as well as the borrelias garinii and azfelii. The obvious approach was to find frequencies for each of those subspecies. Unfortunately, once found, resistance started developing to those specific frequencies within 3 months on some clients. The thought of constant recalibration precipitated a different approach. In the long run it would also have become impossible to figure out which altered species one was treating once correspondence with the appropriate vial had been lost.

The second attempt used parts of lyme rife protocols that treated all of the person’s sub species of borrelia at once. These were dubbed universal lyme frequencies. As these universal borrelia frequencies were run; all the person’s species vials would register a weakness. Once the frequency did whatever it had to do for about a minute, then the field would become strong, making one think that a similar part had been accessed within each of the species.

Several of those frequencies turned out to be consistently linked to lyme related phenomena such as the lyme bleb, lyme spheroblast L form, or the cell well deficient form, while other seems to target pictures of the spirochete tail or base. This formed the first set of universal points. They strengthen spirochetes target areas such as the spinal cord, but they did not alter immunity, which seemed a critical requisite of a lyme defense treatment.

The last refinement came by linking a set of universal frequencies to acupuncture immune points. Build a strong immune barrier that would prohibit the spirochete’s resurgence. Swat the flies, but build a really good screen door.

A set of acupuncture immune points was found, and frequencies were created that would strengthen those points on any person, regardless of whether they suffered from Lyme disease. It was amazing to watch these acupuncture points fill up with energy as if they had been needled, just by running the machine. These original points did consistently strengthen the immune acupuncture points, but they were unable to keep the fields around the points strong for more than a few hours.

Finally, frequencies were then sought that would be specific for those points and for Lyme patients only.1 These new frequencies have no effect on people who don’t have lyme, but will bring the field of each of those points to an optimal ten on those who do. Furthermore, they strengthen all immune vials, and all borrelia burdorferi subspecies vials. They also seem to treat borrelia garinii, and probably borrelia azfeli. This then is the screen door. The universal frequencies originally found that agitated inside of each of the 40 US species no longer have any effect on species vials after running the screen door. It would seem then that their function had been superseded. Because the frequencies are lyme specific, the acupuncture points stay stronger for many more hours, than they do with just regular acupuncture.

These screen door spirochete points are also susceptible to mutation. When the frequency no longer works, the associated acupuncture point and the immune vial both go weak, making assessment of the problem easier. Non acupuncturists can determine if resistance has been acquired by obtaining a set of immune vials and then seeing if they begin to test weak after several months. So far the same corrections seem to apply to everyone, which is a huge relief. Only the last two digits have altered on any of the new frequencies. To make the correction, scan above and below the given frequency until the acupuncture point and the associated immune vial reach a field strength of ten. I will keep posting the variations as they become known. It is perhaps possible that the lyme spirochete will eventually give up trying to shape shift and let itself be controlled, but don’t count on it.

While it may be a drag to have to keep finding new frequencies for resistant spirochetes, two points should be made. First, that treatments for major diseases such as TB, malaria and AIDS, will all have to deal increasingly with resistance, so one might as well get used to the process. Waves are a lot more simpler to change than antibiotics. Secondly, by not treating the pathogens directly, we are perhaps not splitting them into further subspecies, but trying to cinch the net of the immune system around it’s variability.

Ultimately frequencies may be found that will access crucial attack strategies of the spirochetes. This seems to be sort of the future of biological medical strategies, so it should be able to be done with frequencies. The approach outlined here is more empirical, looking for strengthening effects on acupuncture points and immune vials. That is really all we ever do in energy medicine.

To summarize, this article presents a way to create and evaluate rife frequencies for Lyme and then gives three different ways to treat the spirochetes. The two universal strategies are probably the easiest since they don’t require the diagnosing of all the individual US borrelia species. I only employ the second strategy of universal frequencies linked to acupuncture immune points, but the other frequencies may prove useful to other researchers. It is hoped that inadvertently we are accessing the mechanisms for evasion, by linking the immune system to the inner workings of each of the borrelia burgdoferi species.

The current strategy for building a treatment program is to run the entire set of universal frequencies and then add on as many of the co-infections and subsidiary infections as the person can tolerate. Often if there are multiple coinfections, the person runs the borrelia and major coinfections in the morning, and then all the gut and sinus frequencies in the evening. A seriously weakened individual may not be able to treat all of their myriad infections at once, and would have to eliminate certain infections before pursuing others. Supplementing the direct attack on the pathogens, one could also include frequencies that support the endocrine organs or tone individual acupuncture points.

Many people already have rife devices that could be better programed. For people resistant to herbs and antibiotics, this modality may provide some relief. All rife machines are only legal as experimental devices and obviously these frequencies are clearly experimental. Really I would love it if other muscle testers would confirm or correct my work. This article just tries to establish a basis for evaluating appropriate frequencies. The most commonly found species of borrelia, babesia, bartonella, and mycoplasma have been checked often enough so that they seem to be correct, those that never present in a patient are harder to vouch for.

The great advantage of rife machine is that once they are correctly programmed all one has to do is push a button and sit back and commute or watch a show. For many people who find other alternative modalities to be freakish or too complicated, rife frequencies offer energetic medicine through a filter of technology. Then there is also the delight of treatment without ingestion of substances. Herxheimer reactions should certainly be expected with initial treatments, so treatment times for the first week should be reduced for the spirochetes. Some people may find they only want to run the program every other day for the first couple of weeks, to allow the body to detox from the elimination of pathogens.

Peggy Creelman DOM

Universal sample treatment for Lyme Disease

Pathogen Frequency Time

Borrelia UB 50 CD 4 cells
8490.67 3 minutes
Borrelia UB51 TCRS 5479.2 3 minutes
Borrrelia UB56 IGM T -Helpers 7405.89 3 minutes
Borrelia UB 58 IGG 8645.4 3 minutes
Borrelia UB 64 B lymphocytes 4334.23 3 minutes
Borrelia GB 31 T Killers 2437.68 3 minutes
Borrelia GB 33 MHC 1 6445.74 3 minutes
Borrelia GB 34 MHC 2 2790.78 3 minutes
Borrelia GB 37 IGD 4454.64 3 minutes
Borrelia GB 41 T lymphocytes 3685.66 3 minutes
Borrelia ST 31 antigen binding 4356.69 3 minutes
Borrelia ST 33 HLA 4463.8 3 minutes
Borrelia ST 36 innate imm. 7549.78 3 minutes
Borrelia ST 40 IGA 8646.85 3 minutes
Borrelia ST 43 decorin 6248.39 3 minutes
Borrelia cyst 203.7 1 minute
Borrelia cyst 667.97 1 minute
Borrelia cyst,dermal layer 380.53 1 minute
Babesia Microti 465.7 2 minutes
Babesia WA 1 745.7 2 minutes
Bartonella Henslae 354.15 2 minutes
Erlichea Phagocytophilia 569.79 2 minutes
HERV 419.4 2 minutes
Herpes 6 a 3740.7 2 minutes
Mycoplasma Hominus 3379.7 2 minutes
Mycoplasma Incognitas 2688.3 2 minutes
XMRV 4673.6 2 minutes

Coinfection frequencies can be added or deleted as needed.

1 It was noticed that yang points left as pellets overnight would strengthen through to their yin counterpoints, while the yin points had no effect on the yang. A set of yang acupuncture immune points were found equidistant to certain landmarks on the limbs and feet.


New Developments (1/21/11)

It’s been a while since this has been updated. Apologies. Resistance developed all too soon to the Infight 3 formula. It was replaced with Infight 7, but that too developed resistance within about three months. All herbal clients are now on Infight 8.2, which seems to be a better product than the above in that in strengthens more immune markers as well as the spinal nerves. There does seem to be a sequence, where Cat’s claw and Resveratol are the first line of choice for naif patients, then moving to infight 3, next 7, then 8 as needed. The Retrovirus Stomp formula has become a standard addition to all herbal programs. So far this sequence has kept the majority of my clients from deteriorating significantly, expect when the formulas stopped working.

There was some despair that one couldn’t just keep finding herbs that would work to keep the spirochetes at bay, but once you abandon the idea of using herbs as antibiotics, and just use them to strengthen immunity around this particular pathogen, then it’s more a matter of addressing it’s presenting signature. Time will tell whether this theory is correct, meanwhile the formulas work. Ironically, the original message of Chinese medicine was to address the presentation. The difference is that traditional Chinese medicine would have you address the presentation of each individual with a different formula, while here we address the variable presentations of spirochetes. It has been evident of the last few years that the same formula will treat anybody with the disease, you just have to keep adjusting for resistance.

The last eight months have been mostly spent learning how to deploy a portable rife machine into the battle against Lyme disease. See the article in the advanced section for details. My guess is that this is the wave of the future, so to speak. No herbs, no swipes, no acupuncture, just turn on the machine at bedtime. Yes, people are developing resistance to the spirochete frequencies of rife at about the same intervals of every three months. The difference is that one doesn’t have to develop a whole new formula, and the variations on the frequencies are equally as predictable as with the herbs. One will still need a muscle tester to ascertain which frequencies need adjusting, but that does not require a high level of muscle testing skill. At least it’s another major defense weapon added to the arsenal.

Other News

The HERV-W virus turns out to be more important than was thought. (See previous article below this one.) It looks as though this virus is not only making the body attack the myelin sheath but also the majority of the endocrine organs. It’s as if it is a machine putting bar chords on each of the endocrine organs telling the body to attack. Unfortunately the virus doesn’t seem to clear with just carwash, and so far clears best with the herbal formula Retrovirus Stomp.

Using the Retrovirus Stomp formula does such a great job of strengthening the endocrine organs that the whole swipe/strip treatment could be abandoned. The pancreas, thyroid, hypothalamus and pituitary are strengthened on every client tested. 3 clients who were not doing the swipes and whose endocrine organs were universally testing weak showed a strengthening of all of the above organs just by adding the Retrovirus Stomp formula for a month. Interesting.

Infight III is still a good formula, and for those who are looking for alternatives to cat’s claw, it rates pretty high. The more alternatives we have to antibiotics, the better. It does seem that one is going to need to address this bug by challenging it, not directly attacking it. Lyme Nettle 5 from Dragon River also works well. Tolerance seems to be the major problem with lyme spirochetes, but perhaps there is another way to look at this.

Let’s use the analogy of a forest fire. If only 3 or 4 trees are burning, one can use carwash and homeopathics quite successfully. If the ground is wet, i.e., the patient is young, then the danger of rapid spreading is far less. The greater the amount of trees burning, the longer the duration, the more firefighters will have to be deployed. Herbs are the major fire fighter, but genetics, exercise, yoga, qi gong or acupuncture, healthy diet, low stress levels are also major players. The tendency is to get sick of dealing with the beast and to go back to one’s normal lifestyle. As long as I feel bad I might as well... Once you have a major conflagration then more and more good fighters are going to be have to be employed more often. Swipes may have to be traded for immune chords, yoga may have to be practiced daily, and profligate expenditures of energy on bad food, drugs and alcohol will have to be severely curtailed. How do measure how many trees are burning? You can’t. All you can do is keep upping the ante on the right side of the equation. As Lyme becomes more and more of a known evil, then living with Lyme will be like living in Holland; you have to build up the dikes of the immune system so the sea monsters do not move in. You don’t have to know much about the monsters themselves, you just have to build really strong fortifications against the sea.

Those who are dealing with a major manifestation will always have to take stronger steps to move the spirochetes back into the recesses of the nervous system, but the emphasis should be on creating a defense system that can keep the beast corralled. This will always entail a major change to healthier habits.

Infight 8.2

11% Perilla, Zi Ze ye
9 % Yu Jin, Curcuma
12% Wu wei zi schizandra
6 % Pugong Yin, dandelion
10 % Yi Yi ren, Coix
10 % Ge gen, Pueraria
8 % Eclipta, Han Lian cao
8 % Bai Shao, White Peony
11% Ju hua, Chrysanthemum
10%Chan Tui, Cicada Moulting
2.5 % Gan Jiang, Dried ginger
2.5 % Gan cao, licorice

Previous update

A New Virus found in Lyme Patients 5/24/10

A recent Discover magazine article presents excellent research linking schizophrenia to an internal retrovirus called HERV-W. Everyone has this virus in their DNA, but under certain circumstances it becomes activated, and causes disease. In schizophrenics it seems to be unmasked by an exposure to Toxoplasmosis, a parasite in cat litter, or else by an influenza virus. Because it was discovered while working on demented AIDS patents, it seemed possible that this virus could also be unmasked by Lyme disease. A homeopathic vial of the energy of the virus was ordered. It does indeed show up in most of my Lyme patients, in the myelin sheath of the nervous system and in the brains. The article says it is clearly indicated as a cause of MS as well as schizophrenia. The virus also seems to be operant in some cases of epilepsy.

The only patients that did not show energetic evidence of the virus were those recently infected or young children whose resistance was still fairly strong. Several of the patients with more difficult mental symptoms did show energetic evidence of Toxoplasmosis, though none showed evidence of schizophrenia. Clearing the virus with the carwash strengthened the myelin sheath in all patients, and considerably strengthened brain vials in many patients.

The Discover article mentioned that researchers were trying a course of the herb artemesian as a treatment for the toxoplasmosis. A Chinese herbal formula was created that incorporated artemesia qing hao for the brain inflammation in schizophrenia. A separate formula removed that herb to create a formula just for the virus itself. Western herbs were combined with Biotics Researches’ Ultravirex formula to create a similar treatment. Homeopathic formulas made from flower essences were also designed to treat the virus itself, the virus in MS, and the virus in schizophrenics.

My guess is that Lyme unmasks this virus in most people at a later stage of the disease, and that this is what causes the autoimmune condition of Lyme. Carwash does seems to clear this virus for several hours, but those who show symptoms will want to back it up with herbs or homeopathics.

Recipes. One can use any one of the following options, but you will have to muscle test for amounts needed on a daily basis.

For the virus itself: Biotics’ Ultravirex with equal parts of olive leaf, skullcap, thyme and nettles. If treating MS, add eyebright; if treating schizophrenia, add eyebright and artemesian.

Chinese herbs ( the virus are:

HERV-W Formula

1 part Dang Kuei Shen
1 part Portaluca- Ma Chi Xian
1 part Gardenia- Zhi Zi
1.5 parts Phellodendrum- Huang Bai
1 part Fennel Seed-Xiao Hai Xiang
1/2 part Dried Ginger -Gan Jiang
for schizophrenia add 2 parts Artemesia Qing Hao

Retrovirus Stomp

1 Dang Kuei
1 Portaluca
1.5 Gardenia
1 Fennel Seed
1.5 Phellodendrum
1/2 Dried Ginger

LYME NETTLE 6-treats spirochetes and HERV-W (

11% nettle
10% eyebright
12% olive leaf
8% thyme
7% skullcap
6% yarrow
8% teasel
6% dandelion leaf
9% boneset
6% oatstraw flower
6% yerba santa
6% rosemary
5% mullein

HERV-W Flower Essences

Equal parts of trumpet vine, red chestnut, manzanita rock water, impatiens from Mix with equal parts Larkspur, hedgehog cactus and bidens connata from

For MS, add indian pink and self heal from FES. For schizophrenia, add forget-me-not and mullein from FES to original formula.

Stephan Buhners book, Healing Lyme outlined a very good protocol for the herbal treatment of spirochetes. Unfortunately, all my clients developed tolerance to his cat’s claw protocol after 6 months to 1 1/2 years of treatment. Necessity has propelled a major search during the last couple of years to produce a substitute formula.

More than 20 different formulas were tested on my clients over the last two years. Happily, there are now two very good herbal formulas available that strengthen all vials relating to the nervous system. These are not clinical trials, but people really like these products. As a muscle tester, my criteria is to get as many vials as possible to show a strengthening around a formula or procedure. Both of these new formulas strengthen much all vials relating to immunity, joints and parts of the nervous system. At first, both Western and Chinese herbs were mixed in various formulas, but people wanted a formula that could be encapsulated. Once all the herbs in a formula were Chinese, it could be made into pill form. Infight III is the latest result and it does an excellent job of keeping symptoms such joint pain at bay. It is available from Spring Wind Dispensary (415-920-9990).( You would have to get your practitioner order it. Do not order any of the later manifestations (such as Infight IV) as they are experimental at this time. The dosage is normally 4 capsules twice a day and a bottle runs about $18 for 100 pills, or you can order it as a granulated tea. It’s a very good formula, but can be a little rough on the gut if one has a sensitive stomach. Maybe 15% complain of loose stools or reflux. Try taking it with digestive enzymes, and if that doesn’t work, try taking it with Tagamet or it’s generic. The Tagamet seems to reduce sensitivity. For people who don’t want to mess with the rest of the protocol, this formula alone gives pretty good results.

It seemed like a good idea to get one step ahead of the game, in case one developed tolerance to the Chinese formula, so I looked to create an all western herb formula. This new formula is a mixture of nettles, yerba santa, eyebright, rosemary, yarrow, dandelion leaf, boneset, mullein and teasel. My distributers couldn’t find a source of western teasel, so we went with a japanese version that seems to work fine. These herbs seem to be easier on the gut, and it tests almost as strongly as the Infight III. You can order it directly from Dragon River Herbal as Lyme Nettle 5. They can also make you the Infight lII as a tincture, but it is more expensive than the pills. The Chinese formulas run about half the cost of the western herbs, all are much cheaper than antibiotics, (except doxycyclin) It is probably a good idea to switch between the formulas every couple of months to avoid developing tolerance. Neither formula addresses any of the co-infections, so the carwash is still crucial for that.

The other major new insight was about the parathyroid gland. While reading a 1927 book by one of the pioneers of the endocrine system (Harrower), I was struck by the authors remarks on the parathyroid. He used parathyroid glandular for spasms and cramping. He remarked that many of the syphilitics that he was seeing in that pre-antibiotic era, showed low parathyroid as well as low thyroid, adrenals and thymus. I started giving out parathyroid glandular to virtually every Lyme client and initially they mostly reported relaxation of leg muscles. Unfortunately, within a couple of weeks the cramping became worse as they went from deficient to excess parathyroid, so I realized the ratio of calcium to parathyroid needed to be more balanced. The correct ration for most clients is 2 of the Biotics’ CaMg+ (parathyroid), with 3-4 Biotic’s Research Osteo B II per day ( or 500 mg Ca. in a commercial calcium magnesium supplement). Many of my clients had normal blood calcium, but osteopenia and bad teeth, and it appears likely that low parathyroid is responsible for the drawing of calcium from the bones and teeth. Muscle testers will probably find this a universal for Lyme clients. Check carefully for correct ratio because excess parathyroid had some association with hypertension and cancer as well as bone loss. The parathyroid gland is also responsible for the conversion of sunlight into Vitamin D, so parathyroid deficiency may explain the common blood test result in lyme patients of a lack of Vitamin D. Once people start doing the endocrine swipe for a couple of months, their need for parathyroid decreases.

The second insight from this endocrinology book was the realization that most of my clients have many endocrine weakness that do not recover when the spirochetes have been successfully addressed. The endocrine glands are like firefighters that have spent years on overtime trying to put out a fire. Once the fire has been controlled, with the herbs and carwash, the function of the glands needs to be built up. Acupuncture, Chinese herbal formulas, or naturopathic glandular supplements will all increase endocrine function, but this website is all about dirt cheap and self treatment, so I developed another endocrine toner swipe. Only problem is that the website charges an arm an a leg for these flower essences. Sorry. The nerve toner turns on the supply lines to the endocrine system, and the endocrine toner rebuild basic organ energy and neurotransmitter supply. The current protocol is to do both the endocrine swipe and nerve toner swipe daily along with whichever herb formula you choose and the carwash.

A brief note on why Peggy Creelman D.O.M. has earned my consummate respect:

I was sent to Peggy Creelman by my Lyme Disease specialist after he had treated my Lyme Disease, aggressively, for four and a half months with every western antibiotic he knew of. I was taking a daily cocktail of 3-4 types of antibiotics. My Lyme symptoms remained and my intestines were showing severe stress from all of the antibiotics, even though I was taking handfuls of pro-biotics daily. With Peggy’s extensive knowledge of Chinese herbs and medicines she was able to diminish many of my symptoms immediately with a prescribed daily dose.

Peggy is also highly knowledgeable in many other forms of healing, E.G. kinesiology, homeopathy and Korean hand points. She has taken all of these healing disciplines and has created her own unique form of healing which REALLY WORKS! Once she put me on this system (which she calls the hand carwash), 90% of my remaining symptoms disappeared! She is still refining her treatment and has figured out a way of attacking the remaining spirochetes in my body that have incased themselves in cyst form making them invisible to my immune system. These newer treatments work VERY, VERY well. THIS is what I admire the most about Peggy. She doesn’t sit back on her heels, proclaiming she knows it all. She is constantly doing research and refining her curing approaches.

I trust her with my life. She took me from barely being able to function because of my long list of Lyme Disease symptoms to my having access to 40+ hours a week of intense aerobic activity (I am a bartender at a very busy prime steakhouse and a Flamenco dancer).

If there is any healer you can trust, its Peggy Creelman D.O.M.! She has not only tamed Lyme Disease but has also cured many other ailments I’ve been challenged by over the years.

Respectfully submitted,
Mary Woolston

I have been doing the immunity chords and car wash for at least 6 months and I have been having a significant decrease in periods of sweating and heat. I have had an increase in energy. I have begun to sleep better. Even though I interact with 250 elementary age school children every week I have not even had a cold, unusual for me. I do the car wash and 2 of the 6 immunity chords daily. I also have had an overall decrease in any joint pain. I am a complete advocate of this system of dealing with my Lyme's disease. I have not taken Cat's Claw or any other treatment for my Lyme's disease during this period.


Car washing daily a few minutes is enough to keep my Lyme Disease at bay; a life saver for me. Far too many years of not knowing what my odd collection of symptoms might be abut nearly finished me. The slightest mental or physical activity was exhausting.

Now through Peggy Creelman’s innovative approach to Lyme Disease she has given me a focus and some strategies for countering its chameleon-like quality: the car wash basic among them.

My mental acuity improves. I have more physical energy and the ability to live life and to work.

Andre Neumeister, Rolfer

Since seeing Peggy, I have been able to sweep the floor every 9 days, drive 1-3 times a week within a 5-20 mile radius, and I am actually using my power scooter 95% less to get from my bed to the kitchen and back. Today for the first time since living in Santa Fe (where have I been?) I was actually able to drive myself all the way to the farmers market, walk around for about 10 minutes, and pick up a few fresh veggies. This is what I call getting my life back, and it feels phenomenal after living in bed for so long. This is something I hadn't been able to do since 2006. It was something I desperately wanted to do, but literally couldn't due to extreme exhaustion, dizziness, lethary, and all the other horrible symptoms that go along with Lyme Disease. Huge progress. Consider that before seeing her, I felt like no one would ever really be able to help me. I had seen so many western and alternative practitioners, I sort of gave up on the whole deal. (undiagnosed and misdiagnosed from lyme for most of my life) Having tried almost everything under the sun. Until a friend came along and said, 'You really should see a DOM.' He seemed to have a lot more faith in the practice than I did, since I had been thru the ringer before trying to get better. I thought about it for a few weeks, and asked my cousins husband, also a DOM in CO, if he knew of a good person to help me in Santa Fe. He gave me Peggys number.

Before seeing Peggy, I was only driving an average of once every couple of months. I was only physically able to sweep the floor every few months, and I was using my power scooter more frequently. There were bouts last year and the year before where for a few days, I felt strong and could move around more, but I would 'crash' for weeks or months on end. Now I seem to kick back without crashing so hard. Peggys herbs and protocols are easy and I would say to anyone to stay away from antibiotics and give this a try. I have a way to go, but this is unbelievably huge progress. I would recommend her to anyone with chronic lyme. (please note, I also was doing a phone class and the online the same time I was seeing Peggy, as well as some EFT tapping along thru a CD, glutathione nebulizer, and improving my diet) It all works together. This disease requires mind, body, and soul, and I am so grateful for Peggy!


Peggy began treating me about 12 years ago, so I’ve experienced the evolution of her treatment of lyme disease. I’m trained in scientific method and I was skeptical of muscle testing, energy paths, and other strange concepts new to me. But numerous times I’ve intentionally not bothered to tell her at the beginning of a treatment what history, symptoms, and pains I was experiencing and she would ask me early in the session if I was experiencing the exact things I was keeping from her. Eventually, I got so much better, I quit seeing her for a year and relied on a strict diet and exercise routine; but that didn’t work. When we started, I slept 9 hours a night supplemented by an hour and a half nap in the afternoon. Now I sleep 7 hours a night, 6 will do, with a half hour nap. Once upon a time I was sick half the winter and used twentyish sick days per year. In the past 6 years, as Peggy has refined her techniques and knowledge, I have used one sick day--and that’s while going through an unwanted divorce which necessitated increasing my workweek from full time to 50% more than full time. I feel better, work better, and play harder at age 54 than I did in my twenties. Sixteen years ago I became a paid frontline firefighter in order to write. Despite the physical stresses of the job, I still keep up with the young bucks. One anecdotal example is not statistical proof, but there’s much to lose if one doesn’t try; and if one gains as much as I have, the cost is not only worth the money and relatively small amounts of time, but is highly profitable. My number is 505-660-6588, if you want more information.

David England



Peggy Creelman

The clinic in Santa Fe, New Mexico is called el Bienestar: well-being.

The main goal of the Lyme protocol published on this site, is to maintain and support the patient's strength, well-being and immune system throughout the treatment process. The idea is that if you help the body itself to recognize the infection, it can itself be stimulated to combat it. The protocol combines two decades of experience in acupuncture, muscle testing and energetic medicine and aims to provide a synthesized, all-natural way to alleviate the symptoms and causes of Lyme. Peggy Creelman graduated from Southwest Acupuncture College in 1987, and was certified in Applied Kiniseology in 1998.

El Bienestar Acupuncture Clinic
615 W. Alameda St
Santa Fe, NM 87501