Lyme Rife

Nine years ago, I started treating clients with Stephan Buhner’s herbal protocol from his book Healing Lyme, but I found that within six months all clients were beginning to show resistance to the main herb, Cat’s Claw. The pulses became weaker again, and muscle testing of the spine and brain areas showed that the herb was no longer effective. For five years I pursued the treatment of Borrelia through other herbal formulas, altering them every three to five months as my clients grew resistant. Eventually, nothing was working very well, as all the known herbs that directly effect the spirochetes had been used up. So I turned to pulsed electromagnetic frequencies (PEMFs). These frequencies are also known as rife frequencies.

Originally, I was completely unimpressed with rife. The Lyme Disease rife frequencies that I found in books did not create strong pulses on my patients. Patients who were using rife did not show major energetic improvement. It was obviously going to be a tremendous job to evaluate and find workable Lyme frequencies, and it wasn’t going to be mine. Then my extended family started getting sick. I purchased a square wave rife machine and started testing frequencies from the web and Brian Rosner’s Lyme Disease and Rife book. While these lists sometimes provided ballpark frequencies, modification was necessary for every frequency found. It took years of refining other people's frequencies to come with a set that showed real energetic promise. Most of the frequencies in this protocol are wholly original.

The advantage of using rife frequencies for attempting to treat the Borrelias is that it solves the problem of resistance of the spirochetes better than any other form of treatment. If a frequency for Borrelia develops resistance, you simply adjust the frequency slightly higher, and the pulses and nervous system immediately respond to the new proper frequency. Rife frequencies do seem to be the cheapest and easiest way to inhibit and control most Lyme Disease (LD) pathogens. The spirochetes themselves seem to be corralled if not eradicated by these successive adjustments. Once the proper frequencies for the numerous co-infections were found, many of these infections energetically seemed to disappear, though no lab tests were done to prove elimination.

Any person who can muscle test fairly proficiently should be able to discover energetically which of the Lyme Disease related pathogens show energetic presence in a body. Patients should then be able to make their own program, on their own, with the help of a proficient muscle tester. A proficient muscle tester can alert a patient when his Borrelia frequencies are no longer working, and advise which revised frequencies are likely to be effective. A decent muscle tester can also indicate which of the pathogens are still active.

Rife machines are only quasi legal methods of treatment. A patient can experiment with them for their own benefit, but no practitioner can make claims about the medical efficacy of any treatment, nor can any medical doctor suggest the use of these machines. Recently rife machines have been renamed as P.EM.F. (pulsed electromagnetic field) machines. I don't know whether or not that changes the legality of their usage. Many Lyme Disease patients are forced to go blindly onto the web looking for  rife protocols that are anecdotally supposed to have benefited someone. My experience as an expert muscle tester has allowed me to vet a number of these protocols and offer a better one. I do not run blood tests on patients, though I will review those that arrive with the patient, so I can only claim energetic observations of improvement. It would be impossible to claim that these rife frequencies actually kill pathogens, because all I observe is the energetic effect on vials and target areas of treatment. The protocol is meant to be used by individuals consulting with a muscle tester who can guide them in their choice of frequencies. The individual must then put the protocol together for themselves and assume total responsibility for their treatment choice. Persons with heart pacemakers, epileptics and pregnant women are not advised to use PEMF machines.

I am primarily an acupuncturist. It turns out that acupuncture frequencies can be accessed as low level hertz frequencies. This adds a new dimension to the treatment of Lyme Disease with rife, as acupuncture points also seem to inhibit the various pathogens, presumably by strengthening immunity. Acupuncture frequencies might also help many other functions, such as rebuilding the qi in the endocrine organs. This picture is much larger than just Lyme Disease, and cannot be fully addressed here, but I offer a simple model of treatment.

There are few reasonably priced machines out on the market capable of handling a large program of acupuncture points in addition to the the resonant direct frequencies. There are other machines out there that will run multiple sets of frequencies, but usually in sets of ten frequencies. To do my protocol, it would be best to find a square wave machine that can run at least 50 frequencies in sequence. You will also need a model of a rife machines that will accurately run 3 decimals after the initial frequency. My square wave frequency machine will easily run 100 frequencies in single or multiple programs, but it is only available for use as an experimental device.1 Some rife machines will run more than one wave form, such as a sine wave form, but for the purposes of this protocol only the square waves are utilized.

The intent of this protocol is to create a kind of energetic accountability. I use muscle testing techniques developed by the Applied Kinesiologists to create a model for testing protocols. In 1999 I passed the 100 hour course of the College of Applied Kinesiology, and spent many years practicing those techniques for muscle and tendon repair. Their muscle testing techniques proved eminently adaptable to help evaluate treatment effectiveness of acupuncture, herbs, and homeopathy. Responsible muscle testing that uses several methods to test the probable outcome of a treatment will provide at least as good an energetic evaluation as traditional tongue and pulse testing from Oriental medicine. The last part of this protocol teaches practitioners how to evaluate frequencies, so that someone can test my pathogen frequencies and perhaps find better ones.

It all adds up to a strong protocol, which I hope will further the progress of Lyme Disease treatment. This is not the last word, but it moves in the right direction. Truth for now, as they say. Like all web protocols, this is not personal medical advice, and should not be seen as a substitute for responsible medical treatment by a Lyme literate doctor. It should  remain clear that no scientific claims can be made about any of the frequencies offered. No lab tests have been run before and after treatment that would substantiate evidence of effectiveness. That said, most of my patients in the last nine years have responded positively from an energetic and symptomatic standpoint. Chinese pulses and chiropractic reflex areas have become stronger. Patients have less pain and more energy and clarity.

Part B- The Treatment of Lyme with Rife Machines

Rife (P.E.M.F.) machines work by using resonant ultrasound frequencies. Originally in the 1930s, Rife frequencies were shown to shatter bacterial cells in petri dishes. These frequencies presented here may or may not shatter, but they certainly correct energetic weakness caused by Lyme infections. Symptom relief usually ensues. 

Eventually someone will build a machine that will both evaluate whether a client has a pathogen, and then treat that pathogen with frequencies. There is already an I-pad app out there on the market that does this for chakras and meridians, so it theoretically could be done for Lyme Disease.2 Since we are not there yet, diagnosis and treatment must be performed with energetic muscle tests. In my opinion, these methods are as accurate or better than the Lyme Disease lab tests currently available, if performed properly. (This is not saying much, since all too often the lab results of Lyme Disease miss both primary and secondary infections.3) Given a good energetic evaluation, where the practitioner or the machine has access to energetic vials of all the common subspecies of Borrelia and the major co-infections, Lyme Disease is pretty hard to miss. While the world at large may continue to argue whether chronic Lyme Disease is a real phenomena, energetically it is more than clear that spirochetes are still active throughout the nervous system years after supposedly successful antibiotic treatment. Until the machines take over, the creation of protocols through muscle testing seems sufficiently reliable. 

The criteria for judging a protocol should not just be subjective reports of symptom relief, but also energetic evaluation of the force fields around pulses and organs. While it is easy to misdiagnose energetically if you use only one test to confirm your diagnosis, if you cross check using vials, frequencies, and the areas known to be afflicted, then you are much less likely to make a mistake. Still, the diagnoses are a probability: horse hoof prints rather than zebra's. The rashes seen in Lyme Disease are more likely to be bartonella or rickettsia infections, rather than some rare form of staphylococcus or eczema.

Strategy for Lyme Treatment

Lyme Disease is a composite of multiple infections: Borrelia spirochetes plus Babesia, Bartonellas, Anaplasma, Erlichea and several other tick borne infections.The spirochetes (Borrelias) that infect the nervous system and brain are highly adaptable and seem to mutate whenever treated directly, whether with antibiotics, herbs or rife frequencies. The best treatment for the spirochetes is thus both indirect and direct, bolstering and focusing the immune system through acupuncture points to combat the pathogens, while adding a few resonant frequencies to attack directly. Rife machine frequencies can thus both shatter and build.

By my observation, any time a LD spirochete is attacked directly with frequencies, antibiotics, homeopathic remedies or herbs, the treatment becomes fairly ineffective within two to four months. The surface antigens of the spirochetes mutate, and no longer respond to whichever direct treatment one uses. Energetic vials no longer reflect a strengthening effect, nor do acupuncture pulses. Direct muscle testing of the spine, and eventually all the bilateral muscles, will show weakness again. While many doctors believe that complete remission can be obtained by treatment with antibiotics or herbs, I have never seen that to be the case energetically. Usually within a month of discontinuing the herbs or antibiotics, spirochete activity can be detected again. Even on long term I.V. antibiotic patients, I have always observed energetic evidence of the spirochetes, though they may have been instrumental in reducing the initial impact of the disease.

Direct frequency treatments can combat this tendency to morph by a simple adjustment upward of the spirochete frequency. No new antibiotic or set of herbs is required to keep the brain and nervous areas energetically strong. It is imperative though that these resonant spirochete frequencies be modified every two months at least, if treated daily. The spirochete tends to morph every couple of months: so too must the frequency.

There are four major species of Borrelia associated with Lyme Disease: Borrelia burgdoferi, Borrelia garinii, Borrelia azfelii, and Borrelia miyamotoi. Any valid frequency should treat the 100 or so subspecies of Borrelia burgdoferi, plus all these other species. Many of these B. burgdoferi subspecies vary according to the location where they are found. If a correct initial frequency is run, it should strengthen the nervous system vials of any untreated patient, regardless of whether that person was bit in California, New Jersey, or Norway. It should strengthen pathogen energetic vials of whichever Borrelia species seems to be involved. It must also sufficiently strengthen joint and brain areas that are affected by the disease. Lastly, a correct frequency must show a strengthening effect on energetic vials that mark the presence of spirochetes: vials for the Borrelias, quinolinic acid, MMP 9,  ART spirochete protein, cartilage, and the nervous system.

The protocol lists a couple of initial Borrelia frequencies for people who have not been treated with any sort of treatment, in order to create a set of baseline numbers. If the person has been treated with antibiotics or any other semi-effective treatment, then those initial frequencies will have to be modified upwards. After using these original points for a couple of months, it will become obvious that those frequencies no longer act upon the target vials, body areas of infection, or acupuncture pulses. The Borrelia frequencies must then be modified upwards until they do. After several mutations, none of these Borrelia variations will test with your energetic Borrelia vials. That does not mean you have cleared the pathogen: just that it has moved out of the range of the Borrelia vial’s ability to recognize a  disease pattern. Move up the frequency range until you find  the one that will strengthen a vial for quinolinic acid or MMP 9. If you run that quinolinic acid frequency, it will also show to strengthen the various vials for cartilage, areas in the brain, and vials for the nervous system4.

It is known that when Lyme Disease spirochetes are treated with antibiotics, a certain number mutate back into a cyst form. This cyst form hides in the cerebral spinal fluid and dermal layers of the skin. If you take the cyst form of an infected mouse, you can infect a clean mouse with the cyst form and give it Lyme Disease. Running a resonant rife frequency for Borrelia spirochetes on a patient also seems to create cyst forms: vials for the Borrelia cyst immediately weaken when the Borrelia frequency is on. (Homeopathic and herbal formulas for LD  will have the same weakening effect on the cyst vial, as well as a vial for the cerebral spinal fluid the cysts seem to dive into.) I have not found an effective frequency for the cyst form, but the vial for the cyst no longer shows a weakness after several months of running the acupuncture frequencies for Borrelia. Nonetheless, it is probable that spirochetes are here to stay, and that Lyme Disease is impossible to completely eradicate; unless someone can find a frequency to effectively eliminate the cysts. As long as you can find monitoring vials that show weakness, you should assume that the spirochete is still there.


Aside from the Borrelia spirochetes, there is an entire group of co-infections that need to be eliminated. While blood tests are routinely done for the spirochetes, often times no tests are done at all for the co-infections; and if they are, they often produce false negatives. It is much harder to produce a false negative with muscle testing. For example, Bartonella infections are known to cause rashes, digestive symptoms and endocarditis. With a Bartonella infection you can test against the skin rash area, and then see if the frequency or the the vial has an energetic effect. Babesias affect red blood cells and cause night sweats or hot flashes, along with iron deficiency. Check to see if the frequency affects a vial for red blood cells. Rickettsia, Erlichea and Anaplasma infect white blood cells. These co-infections are so prevalent that they can be used to confirm or refute a diagnosis of Lyme Disease. If a person does not muscle test to have any of these co-infections, then they probably do not have Lyme Disease. Many of these co-infections are tick borne, but plenty of others are just opportunistic. Rickettsia, Babesia, Bartonella, Erlichea, Rickettsia, Mycoplasma and Anaplasma are all tick borne; Herpes 6a, Epstein Barre and Cytomegalovirus are not. Most Lyme Disease patients show 5-12 co-infections. Treating only the spirochetes without all the co-infections will not produce satisfactory results.

Before Lyme Disease was well known, Herpes 6a or Epstein Barre viruses were  common diagnoses underlying chronic fatigue syndrome, but in my opinion they are frequently just opportunistic infection that move in once the immune system is compromised by these other tick borne infections. Candida also used to be thought of as a major cause of many of the chronic fatigue symptoms, but I look on it more as a cofactor that arises from immune impairment.

A couple of the tick borne Lyme Disease co-infections need further elucidation. Rickettsia helvetica was recently discovered in the notes of one of the great Lyme Disease researchers, Dr. Burgdorferi.5 It will show up in the energetic profile of the majority of LD sufferers. Through vials it shows that Rickettsia helvetica energetically seems to affect the motor areas of the brain, the kidney, the heart, the skin, the intestines, the mitochondria, and also the spinal and cervical discs. It also seems to affect sleep. It belongs to the same Rickettsia family as Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. RMSF itself is occasionally seen in Lyme Disease, but Rickettsia helvetica seems much more prevalent. Tremors that are seen in Lyme Disease patients seem to be caused by one of these rickettsias. Many of the lingering muscle pains and chronic fatigue symptoms of LD patients also seem to be due to this pathogen. Recently I discovered that it seems to attack the front part of the spinal cord, the ventral root, causing numbness of the hands and feet.

The second underreported infection in Lyme Disease is Mycoplasma fermentens incognitos. This infection seems to cause most of the autoimmune symptoms in Lyme Disease. In Dr. Horowitz’s book Why Can’t I Get Better?, he states that autoimmune and Multiple Sclerosis type symptoms are common in late stage Lyme Disease. He conjectures that Multiple Sclerosis is probably due to an infectious disease (pages 173-178). Dr Horowitz thought the pathogen might be Chlamydia pneumonia, but that does not test energetically.6 Autoimmune symptoms in Lyme disease seems to be exclusively related to Mycoplasma fermentens incognitos (MFI), whether or not there are MS like symptoms. The  MFI vial weakens on all patients that I have seen with Lyme Disease so far. Running the frequency for MFI alleviates temporarily most autoimmune aspects of Lyme Disease on all patients that I have seen. This autoimmune aspect seems to take years to develop; autoimmune symptoms do not appear in the early stages of Lyme Disease, even though the bacteria shows to be present. Most commonly the autoimmune aspect will show energetically against the myelin sheath of the nerves, the thyroid, the parathyroid, pancreas and the bladder. Even though the thyroid and bladder may weaken if the patient is given immune enhancing herbs - an energetic test of autoimmunity- it may not show on any blood test until quite progressed. It takes a while to produce its effects.

Mycoplasma fermentens incognitos (MFI) is also cited as a possible cause of Gulf War Syndrome. I downloaded a series of pictures of Gulf War vets with this problem. (Photographs will reflect the energetic patterns and biofields just as readily as an actual patient to an experienced muscle tester, so the vial for Mycoplasma fermentens incognitos will test weak when placed on one of these photographs. ) None of those vets in my pictures appear to be infected with Lyme Disease. Energetically, all the weak areas of the brain and nervous system on those pictures of Gulf War vets will strengthen with the correct MFI frequency. Circumstantial evidence to be sure, but if the frequencies give good results, then one wants to know why.

Mycoplasma fermentens incognitos may also be responsible for some of the fibromyalgia symptoms so common with Lyme Disease. The vial for guanidine, a muscle toxin associated with fibromyalgia, always strengthens with the appropriate mycoplasma MFI frequency, if placed on a patient with Lyme Disease. (It does not strengthen with Borrelia or other co-infection frequencies.) Ammonia also tests weak against the brain areas of pictures of these vets with Gulf War Syndrome, as it does on many of my adult Lyme patients. Ammonia in brain tissues is thought to be a probable cause of much of the brain fog experienced in Lyme Disease. My frequency for Mycoplasma fermentens incognitos removes that weakness, while the frequency for Borrelia does not. On top of that, MFI strengthens a vial for IGG (Immunoglobulin G) on most Lyme Disease patients. IGG is an antibody response of the immune system, which is known to be defective in some cases of Lyme Disease. MFI is an important piece of the puzzle, and it would be nice if some real medical research would pursue these leads. Running the correct frequency for MFI on almost any Lyme patient will strengthen vials relating to autoimmune, fibromyalgia and brain fog, as well as chemical and electromagnetic sensitivities. Mycoplasmas are found in the blood diagnosis of many patients with Lyme Disease, according to Dr. Horowitz, but I have not seen other practitioners examine the extent of the damage caused by this Mycoplasma.

Mycoplasma fermentens incognitos also shows energetically to affect specific brain areas in autistic children. In a series of of photos of 16 children with autism and Lyme Disease, every one showed Mycoplasma fermentens incognitos active in the areas of the brain affected by autism. For many years I thought that MFI must therefore be the underlying pathogen in autism, but a recent Google search provided a different candidate: Clostridium histolyticum. I downloaded pictures of children with autism from Israel, who did not show Lyme Disease. Every single Israeli autistic child showed this Clostridium histolyticum in the defective brain areas, but not the MFI. A few of my adult Lyme patients do show this variety of Clostridium, and my one autistic child patient certainly shows it energetically. Perhaps MFI is just opportunistic, and moves into those autistic brain areas already infected with the Clostridium.

Unlike the Borrelia spirochetes, the majority of the Lyme Disease co-infections do not seem to morph or mutate, so direct resonant frequencies usually work to alleviate symptoms. The Mycoplasma and Rickettsia infections seem to be particularly difficult to control, so I have used acupuncture channels to enhance their treatment. Because many of these co-infections are rarely seen outside of Lyme Disease syndrome, it may be hard to separate many of the symptoms of these infections from one another. For example: one often reads that Babesia can cause foot numbness, but I have never seen that to be the case energetically. Running a frequency for Babesia has never strengthened the feet; while treating the spirochetes, Rickettsia, and/or Mycoplasma usually does resolve the neuropathy.

Almost all Lyme Disease infections are energetically found in both partners of a sexually active couple where one partner is symptomatic, suggesting sexual transmission of most of these infections and co-infections. (Go to to find more scientific evidence.) Children born of mothers with a Lyme Disease diagnosis always show energetically the exact same set of co-infections as their mothers, presuming they have not also have been later reinfected, say at summer camp.

Lyme Disease spirochetes are commonly visible with darkfield photography on oral swabs of the teeth, so one cannot rule out oral transmission of the disease. While that oral swab would not determine whether the spirochetes are dental Treponema spirochetes or Lyme Disease Borrelia spirochetes, if you run a Borrelia frequency and they disappear on the next darkfield dental exam; then it is most probable that it is LD Borrelia spirochetes and not Trepanoma spirochetes affecting the teeth. (Darkfield microscopy isn't legal or available in all states, but it is an interesting way to cross check diagnoses.)


Ritchie Shoemaker, MD, in his aptly titled 2002 book Desperation Medicine, makes the case that neurotoxins produced by the Lyme Disease spirochete are responsible for many of the symptoms of the disease. Headaches, nausea, muscle pains, blood sugar disorders, optic nerve constriction and fatigue may all be results of the toxins produced by the spirochetes or other pathogens that then adhere to various parts of the nervous system. I had assumed that if the spirochetes and co-infection populations were reduced, then all neurological symptoms would abate, but it seems that the neurotoxins persist even when the joints and other areas seem to be quite normalized. Shoemaker uses a cholesterol lowering medication to pull these neurotoxins from the system, but that medication is only available by prescription. I am currently experimenting with using cranial  point frequencies on the liver and lymph meridian points to try and do the same. Time will tell whether or not it is an effective method, but energetically the vials pertaining to the different areas of the nervous system show that it might well work.

General Instructions

Vitamins, exercise, yoga, qigong and conventional acupuncture by themselves do seem to delay disease progression, but the energetic evidence says that they are not close to halting it. A person with Lyme Disease who has did a weekend workshop of advanced yoga did not display significant energetic strengthening of the nervous system. The general pulse and qi may feel greatly enhanced; but if you test the fields of the spine, or vials for the nervous system, they all still test weak. Theoretically someone might devise a set of exercises that could strengthen specific immune and nervous system response to this disease; but this frequency treatment is just so much simpler. Any energetic treatment that claims results should be tested energetically on pulses, vials, and areas of the body affected. Being asymptomatic does not mean that slow progressive deterioration of the brain and nervous system are not taking place. Twenty years from now when the disease is better understood, people will be less likely to equate symptomatic relief with stopping the progression of the disease.

In many senses, the treatment of the Lyme Disease Borrelias resembles the treatment of a forest fire. If the fire is just beginning, and the wood is green, then not much is needed to douse the fire, and the treatment times are short. If the fire has spread to the ridge top, i.e. the brain, and is burning along the crest from point to point, then a far more aggressive approach is warranted. Load the bomber planes with fire retardant and blast the patient with direct frequencies several times a day; once you have passed through the initial stage of clearing. Continue to build the infrastructure of defense through acupuncture frequencies. Treating spirochetes with direct frequencies alone will only encourage mutations, while running direct resonant frequencies along with acupuncture point frequencies offers a stronger and more lasting containment. Be careful though in being too aggressive with a new patient; the die-off will be too strong. Start slowly, then hit it hard if necessary.

Energetic accountability needs to be the byword for twenty-first century alternative medicine. In a rational world, blood work should also be able to confirm both diagnosis and treatment effectiveness, but in this disease the blood work too often misses longterm infections. The protocol itself is based solely on my own efforts of energetic validation; although a couple of other muscle testing doctors in other parts of the US have confirmed that some of the co-infections seemed to be no longer energetically perceptible. I call this treatment 'the clearing of pathogens', but it has no physical evidence of eradication. If this disease was not in such serious need of better treatment options, I would wait a number of years to confirm that more of the co-infections have been cleared. Many of the frequencies are still too recently revised to know if they are optimal. It may be that someone will invent a different shaped wave and another set of frequencies that are better. Nonetheless, I have been using these various frequencies for years, honing them to better effect, and they seem pretty good. In my opinion, it is a far better option than most other protocols available, because at least there is a method to energetically cross check results.

On websites and in books you will often find more than one frequency for treatment of a pathogen, but for the most part a single frequency is adequate for each of the infections. If you find a whole file of frequencies on a site,  many of the those frequencies listed may relieve inflammation or have some other general benefit. Usually only one at best will have a direct effect on the pathogen vial and its target areas. For my money, it is usually only necessary to use the one frequency that treats the pathogen. Eliminate the infection, and the inflammation goes with it. Perhaps some of these other rife frequencies do enhance immunity and reduce inflammation, but in my practice I use acupuncture frequencies for that effect. It would be helpful if someone would figure out exactly what common rife frequencies like 10,000 and 780 actually do physiologically, but I would rather use acupuncture frequencies. They seem to have a more specific effects on vials for the immune system. This is not a protocol about conventional rife frequencies.

Many rife protocols for Lyme Disease advocate the use of scanning as the main strategy of dealing with the mutations of spirochetes. Scanning means running a series of frequencies in sequence around  a given starting frequency. If you run 350 for ten seconds, then next you run 351 for ten seconds, and then 352 for ten seconds, hoping that one of these frequencies may catch the pathogen. Unfortunately, even if one of those scanned frequencies does target the pathogen, that one efficacious frequency is diluted by the two incorrect ones, and thus is not given enough time to create a lasting effect. In my experience, it takes at least a couple of minutes running time with a single given frequency to penetrate a bacteria, judging by how long it takes to reach a decent field strength. A spray of related frequencies with inadequate treatment times carries less force than a precisely aimed bullet.

After several months of treatment, the frequency for a bacteria or virus can be dropped from the program. It is my guesstimate that a pathogen should clear in three to six months time of treatment if the frequency is correct. When the vial no longer tests, and the target area stays strong one month after eliminating the frequency, then presumably the infection is resolved. If symptoms persist, say after one month the skin is still itching from a Bartonella infections; then either the treatment time needs to be increased, the frequency is incorrect, or more likely there is another untreated Bartonella species. Or perhaps a Rickettsia. If the bacteria vial ever begins to test weak again; then either the initial frequency was wrong, the person was reinfected, or the pathogen may have mutated. The other possibility, in late stage Lyme Disease, is that the immune system may be too weak to clear anything completely until it is further strengthened. This would entail clearing the major nervous systems pathogens first, Borrelia, Rickettsia and Mycoplasma, before going after the co-infections. 

Many of the pathogens have reappeared after having been pulled from the program, so be advised that this is still a work in progress. Vials and target areas relating to the pathogens would get strong while the frequencies were being used, and then would weaken again once the frequency was dropped. It takes many a correction before the frequency is adequate. While this is discouraging, I saw the same type of energetic recurrences when working with a Lyme literate doctor with antibiotics. Frequencies are safer and easier to adjust than antibiotics, so eventually fine tuning the frequencies should produce solid results.

If a person is extremely sensitive to electromagnetic energy and thus having a hard time with the rife, start by the treating the Mycoplasma fermentens incognitos slowly; just do that frequency and the acupuncture frequencies for the MFI for a month. That is the frequency and pathogen that most seems to affect the electromagnetic sensitivity. Next add the neurotoxin and liver acupuncture set of frequencies. Then add the Borrelia spirochete acupuncture and resonant frequencies. Last add the other co-infections. Don’t try to clear the co-infections until the Herxing  (adverse reactions) around the Borrelias has stopped. I haven't seen any Herx reactions around the Lyme co-infections, except for the Rickettsia helvetica. That said, most patients do not experience any significant Herxheimer or cleansing reactions if you start slowly with short treatment times.

I cannot definitively say what the average clearing time is for a given pathogen, but I am guessing at 3-6 months. The Babesias and Erlichia have reliably cleared on a number of patients after a four month period of treatment. I thought Rickettsia helvetica had similarly cleared in a number of patients, but it came back, which meant my frequency was slightly off. Herpes viruses: CMV, EBV, HHV6, Herpes 1 & 2 also no longer show, although they will always be present in dormant form in the nervous system. (They can reappear with stress or dietary abuse.) Some of the more difficult pathogens, such as Rickettsia, Mycoplasma fermentens incognitos and the Bartonellas, may need more time if the infection is pronounced. The Borrelia spirochetes themselves will probably always need a continual containment program, kind of like nuclear waste. 

None of these frequencies has been tested on multiple brands of rife machines, so it’s possible that other machines will be differently calibrated. The two machines I have used both confer the same results, and a third belonging to a patient also conformed. One was a broadcasting machine, a second used a pad emitter, and the third used hand held emitters. The hand held brass emitter machine seemed to distort the frequencies by exactly 2 hertz for every frequency tried.  (So if you have one of those machines, just shift the frequencies up by 2 hertz.) All machines are technically emitting the same hertz output, so there should have been no difference. Yet the constant need to adjust both web and book frequencies indicates to me that the calibrations must be different. Experimenting with a borrowed machine and some of the published protocols, I found that some of the published frequencies only worked with sine waves rather than square waves. My frequencies only work with the standard square wave emissions PEMF (rife) machines. Perhaps some of the higher power kilohertz machines blast across several digits of a frequency, and thus don’t need to be as accurate. I have no experience with frequencies in that range, so cannot speak to their efficacy. I am not an expert on PEMF rife technology at all, just adept at evaluating what frequencies work. I am not into high powered blasting, but low level arrow shooting at precise targets. That said, the higher range of direct frequencies on my machine, in the 20,000 to 40,000 Hz range, strengthen the biofields a bit better than the lower 300-900 Hz frequencies.

Part C - The Lyme Frequency Protocol

First Table 

Choosing Borrelia Resonant Frequencies.

Begin with the initial frequency in the first table. If someone has come to this protocol after taking antibiotics or following a different protocol, then they may require starting with a higher Borrelia frequency. Find a frequency in that range that will strengthen a Borrelia burgdorferi vial, the Borrelias US mix vial, or some other Borrelia vial. Unfortunately any these vials will stop showing relevance after two or three mutations of the spirochete, so mostly I just use one of the vials related to the spirochete chemical signatures: quinolinic acid,  ART spirochete protein, or MMP 9.

Each viable Borrelia frequency must bring the magnetic field around the monitoring vial to at least 6. Check a field strength by running the given Borrelia frequency while touching both monitor vials that are placed on the patient’s body. Pulse the field strength of each vial by lightly pushing or pulsing on the patient’s strong arm until it falls. It should fall at 8-10 pushes. If it falls at 3 or 4 pushes,  you either haven't found the correct frequency; or the spirochetes have become resistant to that frequency. (Expert muscle testers will self test on the patient's body; using their own fingers to check the patient's energy field.) If you don’t have vials, test directly against the elbow joint to assess the effect of the spirochetes on cartilage. It is easy to hold the elbow with one hand while you run a frequency, and test the field strength with the other arm.The correct Borrelia frequency will have some strengthening effect on the field surrounding the elbow. The proper Borrelia frequency will also strengthen any area of the body afflicted by spirochetes, be it knees, spinal cord, heart or eyes.

The higher frequency seems to be more effective than the lower one. With the higher numbers, the variation of a single digit is less crucial, and you can round to whole numbers when you have to modify them. The second frequency is an eleventh harmonic of the first. If you divide the higher number by eleven, you get its harmonic. There was a TED talk that claimed that a frequency  produced a stronger effect if used with its 11th harmonic. This lower number should also be effective against the target vials and body areas, and serves to confirm the validity of the higher frequency. This lower frequency is also useful if you have a cheap rife machine that doesn't run kilowatts frequencies.

Adjusting the frequencies. Once the Borrelia resonant frequencies have been used for 2 or more months they usually stop working, and the numbers will need to be adjusted upwards. The spirochetes have adapted. The upper number always adjusts to around 35 digits higher every two months, and the lower number adjusts up around 3 digits. Adjust the frequency upward until the vials, the elbow, or the spinal cord strengthens or responds. It takes less than a minute to get that  higher whole number that will signal to the body. Then divide it by 11 and make sure that new frequency also test against the elbow. The spirochetes never seem to disappear permanently. If you stop the protocol, the weakness in the nervous system and cartilage reappear in a couple of months, if not sooner. (I am hoping that doing the correct acupuncture frequencies may eventually create a state of equilibrium and more long lasting remissions, but so far the experiment has not been run.)

The goal is to have all target areas and the relevant vials testing strong 24 hours after running a treatment. Think of running a frequency as similar to watering a thirsty tree. The tree cannot be expected to experience saturation after the first few days of intermittent watering. Give the frequencies a chance to work for two to four minutes per day for a week, and then see if the target areas and the vials stay strong for 24 hours. These shorter times also allow the body to deal with the initial die off of bacteria. After the initial die off (Herx), then increase the running time for the spirochetes to 6-8 minutes. Once the symptoms are under control, then spirochete times can be reduced, providing there is a good acupuncture frequency back-up.

Most rife programs in this protocol for Lyme Disease tend to run for around 2-3 hours daily, and a typical program will have 30 to 50 different frequencies. Approximately one third of these are resonant frequencies, the rest are acupuncture point frequencies. While needling 20 to 30 acupuncture points would undoubtedly drain a sick person, the shorter treatment times for each of the points allow the body to build slowly, and balance many more channels at once. The difference between holding 5 yoga poses for 10 minutes each, or holding a whole series of short 30 second poses. Both will build up the same series of muscles over the long run. In Lyme Disease there are a whole series of infections that must be addressed before one can restore normal function.

Borrelia  resonant frequencies


Minutes treated

Target area


43481 with 3952.82

Borrelia Burgdoferii

3-8 minutes -start low

quinolinic acid,

cartilage, MMP 9,

ART spirochete protein

Second  Table-  Lyme Co-infections

The  following table shows the co-infections frequencies. All Lyme Disease patients that I have examined have multiple Lyme Disease co-infections. Several are tick borne, others seem to be opportunistic and move in when the immune system is down. Most people in early stage Lyme Disease show Babesia, Anaplasma and/or Erlichea, several species of Bartonellas, Rickettsia helvetica, and Mycoplasma fermentens incognitos. These all seem to be carried in the ticks and are present in most patients. The frequencies below are all direct frequencies that will show an effect upon a vial of that pathogen. You can either use vials or lab tests to determine which pathogens to treat, though lab tests often miss the co-infections. First put the vial in the patient’s left hand and see if it weakens the target area. For example, Babesia affects red blood cells, so use a vial for erythrocytes as a monitoring vial. Next transfer the Babesia vial to the patient’s right hand and see if it then strengthens the target vial (erythrocytes) up to a field strength of 6 or 7. The correct species of Babesia will usually strengthen the red blood cell vial quite noticeably. Chiropractic muscle testers can also use the reflex areas on the body that refer to blood; which will also confirm that the correct Babesia vial strengthens reflex blood areas. Treat for 12-16 weeks, or until all symptoms disappear, then stop treatment and see if the infection markers recur. Bartonellas almost always cause some sort of rash or skin lumps, as well as digestive complications. (Sometimes the Bartonella rash will not be obvious, but the vials will still show a reaction against digestive and skin areas.) Match the Bartonella frequencies and vials to the rashes and the Gall Bladder vial, and the make sure the rashes are gone for at least a month before abandoning the frequency.

Most of the co-infections usually respond well within the stated time in the charts, but an acute infection will often require more treatment time. If someone has a major rash from a Bartonella infection, increase the time to six to eight minutes, and run that part of the program more than once per day. People seeking treatment need to be advised that it will take a couple of weeks for the symptoms of each co-infection to begin to dissipate at all.

Common non tick borne opportunistic infections include Herpes 6a, Candida, Epstein-Barr, Cytomegalovirus for starters. Resonant frequencies for all these co-infections do not need to be adjusted for mutant varieties, except for C. Difficile.

Occasionally on Lyme Disease websites and in articles you will see Brucelosis abortus listed as a possible co-infection. If that vial shows to be weak, try running a MFI mycoplasma frequency. That should clear the weakness. Likewise, if a vial for Morgellon's syndrome shows a weakness, try running a frequency for Rickettsia helvetica.

All frequencies are listed with their 11th harmonic. For more resistant pathogens like the Borrelias, rickettsias and mycoplasmas, I use the harmonic combination. It is best to treat the higher number for say three to five minutes and the lower number say 2 minutes. In general, you want to use the fewest number of frequencies, and the shortest amount of time possible, so as not to pull the body's qi in too many directions. If the program gets too long and the patient is fragile, just treat a couple of the co-infections at a time.


Rife frequencies

Target areas


Anaplasma phagocytophilia

22912 with 2082.91

(11th harmonic)

granulocytes, neutrophils


Babesa microti

5122.92, 465.72

erythrocytes, (RBCs)


Babesia WA 

(B. duncani)

 5152.14, 468.37

erythrocytes (red blood cells)


Babesia divergens

5131.21, 466.47

erythrocytes (red blood cells)


Bartonella bacilliformis

37858, 3441.64

skin, GB, small intestine, arteries, adipose tissue, papules, nodules

3 higher

1 lower

Bartonella elizabetae

37712  with 3392.82

skin: freckled rash, stretch marks, HT: CRP, endocarditis, arteries,  cholesterol, eyes, GB, SI, swollen feet, gums, fat tissue. 

3 higher

1 lower

Bartonella henslae

(cat scratch fever)

37712 with 3428.38

skin rash

3 higher

1 lower

Bartonella melophagi



skin, GB, small intestine

3 higher

1 lower

Bartonella vinsonii



skin rash, GB SI, CO, Lu. fat tissue, vascular epithelium. RBCs

3-5 higher

1 lower

Bartonella vinsonii subspecies berkhoffi



Co, Ki, GB, SI, LU  scab like lesions, black moles, groin lines, ligaments, eccentric hairs, stacked clams, muscle cramping, veins, adipose tissue. 

3 higher

1 lower

Bartonella rochelimai

37748, 3481.91

skin, GB, SI, arteries, fat tissue


Chlamydia pneumoniae

26298, 2390.72

lungs, heart, blood vessels,


Clostridium histolytica

18352, 1668.36

colon, brain.



C.dificile and resistant Clostridium difficile

1648.36  18132

1738.45  19123

colon: adjust frequency to strengthen colon, this one mutates a lot



18695, 1699.56

salivary glands, eyes,



virus (herpes IV)



throat, nerves, B cells, skin, mammary glands, monocytes,

breast and throat cancer, TNF@


Erlichea ewengi

22815, 2074.09

neutrophils, monocytes,


Herpes simplex 1

20124, 1829,45

mouth sores, nerves, mucous membranes, genitals, throat

2-3 min

Herpes simplex 2

20144, 1831.27

genital organs, throat

2-3 min

Herpes 6a


20314, 1846.73

germinal cortex of lymph,

CSF, B lymphocytes


Herpes Zoster (shingles)

20152, 1832

spinal nerves, facial nerves

3-4 min

Klebsiella pneumnoniae

36198, 3290.72

liver, sinuses, marrow, allergies, platelets.

3-4 min

Mycoplasma arthritis

28281, 2571

joints, osteoarthritis

3-4 min

Mycoplasma fermentens iincognitas 

28381, 2574.64

Gulf War syndrome. IGG deficit. Chemical and gluten sensitivity, Lyme autoimmune symptoms

4-10 min

Mycoplasma pneumoniae

28527,  2599.73

Walking pneumonia, respiratory & sinus infections

3-8 min

Ricketsia helvetica



Motor and language areas of the brain. Kidney, sinus, skin, heart, ATP, muscles, discs.

3-10 min

RMSF- Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever: Rickettsia rickettsi



Motor and language areas of the brain. Kidney, skin, heart, discs.

3-8 min

Trepanoma Socranski

mouth spirochete

34812, 3164.73

teeth, brain, amyloid plaque, tau protein, Alzheimers. Use to prove to yourself that you are seeing Lyme Disease and not a different spirochete.


Trepanoma Amylov


teeth, brain (Alzheimers)


Part D - Acupuncture on the rife machine

Attacking Lyme Disease spirochetes directly turns them into guerrilla warriors. LD spirochetes are known to camouflage their surface antigens, or hide in a cyst form and wait for the antibiotic or herbal attack to stop. When any direct treatment is stopped, the spirochetes come out of cyst form to fight again. Instead of always attacking, it would seem a better idea to get the internal forces of the immune system to arise and throw the bums out. Acupuncture has been used for centuries to perpetrate such popular uprisings by enhancing immune response. 

Traditional fixed location acupuncture points to build qi or clear fire from the nervous system do not seem to work in Lyme Disease, if you look at results based on vials and energy testing. The general points one learns in school may delay progression of the spirochetes for a time in early stages of the disease, but they do not show enough energetic activity on the target areas of the nervous system and brain. Chinese medical theory would have us believe that acupuncture alone can contain disease, but I have not felt it ethical to try and treat spirochetes solely with acupuncture frequencies. My patients are suffering, and so experimentation with the acupuncture frequencies alone for the spirochetes is not serving them. On the other hand, I don’t believe that direct frequencies alone for the more difficult pathogens are sufficient either. Their treatment requires the backup of acupuncture. The spirochetes are masters of evasion, and they wreak general destruction on the nervous system infrastructure. The gradual destruction of the nervous system seems to inhibit the immune system’s ability to fight, hence the necessity for an acupuncture defense strategy.

The PEMF or rife machine will create frequencies that access the acupuncture channels and points. Acupuncture points treated with hertz frequencies fill up with energy just as if they had been needled. Sets of digital acupuncture point frequencies can then be used to bolster immune response against the spirochetes and other Lyme Disease pathogens.

I cannot teach even the basics of acupuncture in this protocol. Digital acupuncture creates a new set of meridian trajectories and pulses that are way beyond the scope of this protocol.7  Yet practitioners need an easy set of points and channels that provide an adequate defense for Lyme Disease. The chart below provides a series of movable sets of points that can selected from to suit the patient. This is only a chart of possible effective points, not a specific recommendation for treatment.

The chart below represents a series of possible sets of point frequencies for Borrelia. In each box below there are four frequencies that represent acupuncture point locations on the Stomach (2) and Pancreas (12), Small Intestine (6) and Heart channels (16). These channels are the only channels that seem to affect the spirochete related vials directly. The four points of these channels seem to work together to strengthen the body's defense mechanisms against this particular organism. The point locations on these channels will move every few weeks, as the person improves. Imagine a battlefield where the warriors move forward and backwards to defend their territory. The points frequencies are the warriors pushing the enemy back along the acupuncture lines until they are hopefully contained at a place of equilibrium. 

Only one set of frequencies in one box will strengthen a vial related to Borrelia for a given patient on a given visit. That box will change from month to month as the patient’s symptoms improve, mostly moving toward the set of boxes labeled equilibrium or water. If the patient has been recently infected, try the boxes closer and slightly below the equilibrium box. If the patient has been sick for a longer time, the order may reverse and start below the equilibrium. The sicker the patient, the closer to the ends of the chart. Do not choose points randomly without testing for effectiveness, you could make things worse. If  the response is negative in any way, find a person who does a better job of muscle testing, or abandon this set of points.

Only one frequency in each box needs to be tested. If one frequency is correct, then all the frequencies in that box will be optimal. For simplicity's sake your can use the Pancreas channel frequency in each box. The Pancreas channel is represented by the number 12, and each box has a different set of decimals or fractions following that cardinal number 12. Each fraction will strengthen  a specific location on the Pancreas channel. It is not necessary to know where that point falls, just its effect on the target area you are trying to strengthen. You can use the patient's elbow as your target area, because it is easy to reach while you are testing frequencies. The elbow is filled with the cartilage that attracts the spirochetes, and so responds to the correct frequency. Run the 12 frequency in a particular box and see if the energetic field around the elbow gets stronger. (See part D above for how to pulse test for field strength.) If 12.325 doesn't strengthen, then try the 12 frequency in another box until you find one that does.

The criteria is as always to find acupuncture frequencies that will strengthen vials, pulses and organs relating to the spirochetes or other pathogens. Here is a list of the target areas for each of these channel frequencies with regards to Borrelia. Once you have the point frequency that strengthens the elbow, you can use target vials to see if your entire frequency set is correct.

body channel

Stomach: 2

Pancreas: 12

Small Intestine: 6

Heart channel: 16

body target area vials

quinolinic acid. MMP9, MMP3, stomach, knee

elbow, cartilage, Natural Killer cells, pancreas

cyst form, OSP C

L form

cranial channel

Stomach channel 22

Pancreas channel 29

Small Intestine channel 32

Heart channel 39

cranial target vials

cerebellum CCK


Tau protein

amyloid protein

Finding the initial range for the Pancreas channel is the hard part. People are sick so the initial point will not be the equilibrium (the water box) frequency, 12.437. In general, if the person has a strong constitution and has not been infected for too many years, then you should find the Pancreas fractions to be higher than the 12.437 Hz of equilibrium. If the person is not too ill then the correct box will be closer to the equilibrium box. If the person has diabetic tendencies or the infection is well entrenched, then the Pancreas fractions will move lower than 12.437. Run the Pancreas frequencies in each box, until you find the one that strengthens with the elbow. Once you have that initial frequency, finding the location the next month is easier. The point location will usually just moves up or down one or more boxes towards equilibrium. 

Next add the cranial aspects of the same channels. Use the same fractional frequencies but alter the cardinal number in front. 12.437 Hz on the Pancreas body channel become 29.437 Hz on the cranium. Spirochetes are thought to be a possibly cause of Alzheimer’s disease, so as long as points are not at equilibrium, these cranial points should be usually be added as a separate set. If the person is recently infected or very resilient and none of the target area vials for the cranial areas show to be weak, then these points can be omitted.

Occasionally the boxes will be moving in a straight line towards equilibrium, say from lower to higher for several months, and then move to the other side of the equilibrium divide. I believe this represents a switch from acute to chronic; the initial brunt of the infection has been weakened and now the underlying deficiency in the meridian surfaces. Of course if someone gets a stomach flu or food poisoning, then the Stomach/Pancreas channel points will also move radically, usually down, to reflect that acute situation. These situations are temporary.

Once the person no longer has spirochete symptoms and you reach the equilibrium box, you can do 3-4 minutes per frequency as a daily preventive. At that point you can drop the cranial frequencies for Borrelia, as the infection has probably moved out of the brain. Borrelia acupuncture frequencies will probably need to be maintained for life, unless someone develops a better protocol.  I have not seen this disease go into a lasting remission that would reflect energetically on the organs and vials without treatment. The intent is to prevent damage. Lyme Disease is progressive, the longer you wait to treat, the more areas of the brain and nervous system will show to be affected.

Do not use the frequencies in the orange colored boxes in the charts below, they will cause an inflammatory autoimmune response for most people infected with Lyme Disease. In traditional Chinese medicine, there were no autoimmune points, but this type of response is a real consideration on the majority of Lyme Disease patients. If you do run a frequency in the light orange colored boxes, then the joints will immediately test weak, and vials for inflammations, such as Cox2 and TNF@ (tumor necrosis alpha), will also immediately test weaker. Usually the area over the thyroid, the pancreas and the bladder will also test weak if there is an autoimmune response happening. The optimal box is never the inflammatory one. Occasionally as you move closer to the optimal point, the frequencies in an orange box will show a strengthening response, just like tuning into the range of a radio station before you get the clearest signal. This can make you think the inflammatory box is the right one. If you do find that an orange inflammatory frequency seems to be strengthening a vial, try another box on either side of it; it should test better. 

The whole Thymus channel and its channel partners also may be inflammatory for Lyme Disease, depending on how strong the autoimmune component is in an individual patient. If a patient is only mildly symptomatic, then using the Thymus channel to treat a flu or an infection may be beneficial, while that would not be true in a patient who is sicker. Always check to see if the inflammatory vials react if you want to use the set channels associated with the Thymus: Salivary, Thymus, Uterus, and Spleen. In Lyme Disease it seems that it is Mycoplasma fermentens incognitos that causes the autoimmune inflammatory response, so theoretically if that bacteria were eliminated, then the Thymus set of channels and the frequencies in the orange boxes would be OK to use. That is beginning to happen as my patients reach the stage of  acupuncture equilibrium around the Mycoplasma fermentens incognitos pathogen.

Other autoimmune conditions seem to have other pathogens underlying them, and so have a different set of prohibited boxes. The rainbow colored boxes are forbidden for those who have other types of autoimmune conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, Lupus, or MS. If your patient has been properly diagnosed with any of these autoimmune diseases, then neither of those colored sets of boxes can be used. Never fear though, they will never be the optimal points of treatment anyway. Oftentimes though, Lyme Disease will mimic the symptoms of MS,  ALS or Sjogren's disease. If it is Lyme Disease mimicking MS, then those rainbow colored box frequencies will not weaken vials for inflammation like TNF@, Cox 2 or myelin sheath. Only the light orange colored boxes will provoke weaknesses if it is Lyme Disease mimicking another autoimmune diagnosis.

Like any part of this protocol, you are trying it at your own risk. The intent here is to show acupuncturists how to make an effective protocol. Be sure not overdo it; too much acupuncture is definitely draining. That said, good acupuncture is like mother's milk for the body.










yellow 1



carbon dioxide


2.614 12.595

8.308, 18.325



2.131, 12.107

6.754 16.786


yellow  3

2.638, 12.614

8.282 18.308



2.153 12.131

6.727 16.754




8.249, 18.282



2.184, 12.153

6.702, 16.727



2.680,  12.655

8.216, 18.249


blue 1

2.216, 34.184

6.680, 16.702



2.702, 12.680

8.184, 18.216



2.249 12.216

6.655 16.680


blue 3

2.727, 12.702

8.153, 18.184


violet 1

2.282, 12.249

6.638, 16.655



2.754, 12.727

6.131 16.153




6.614, 16.638


2.786, 12.754

6.107, 16.131



2.325 12.308

6.595, 16.614






2.346 12.325

6.564, 16.595






yellow 2

2.383 12.346

6.532, 16.564







2.404 12.383

6.501, 16.532



6.994, 16.996



2.437, 12.404

6.478, 16.501







2.459, 12.437

6.459, 16.478




blue 2

2.478, 12.459

6.436, 16.459


2.962, 12.938



2.501, 12.478

6.404, 16.436

yellow 4



violet 2

2.532, 12.501

6.383, 16.404



6.854, 16.889


2.564, 12.532

6.346, 16.383



6.831, 16.854



2.595. 12.564

6.325, 16.346


2.999, 12.996

6.815, 16.831

I change the frequencies once a month on patients, but if someone runs the acupuncture frequencies twice a day, then the relevant points may change more quickly. Using a frequency that is no longer optimal may have some beneficial effect for a short time, but you should not leave the patient with the wrong acupuncture frequencies for more than a couple of months. When the patient reaches the equilibrium box the infection should stabilize and remain there. If a person gets food poisoning or a flu, then this Stomach digestive set of points will temporarily alter, but otherwise should remain there as a barrier to the progression of the disease. I do not know yet whether the acupuncture equilibrium frequencies alone will then be sufficient without the addition of the resonant frequencies,.

The frequencies in the table above are exclusively for Borrelia spirochetes, though they will have the added benefit of toning the digestive system. Start with treatment of points from this chart to familiarize yourself with how it works. If you then wish to treat the other co-infections with acupuncture, or detox the neurotoxins, then you must use different sets of channels. You can, and should, treat the mycoplasmas and rickettsias with acupuncture frequencies, but the rest of the pathogens don't seem to need acupuncture assistance for clearing. What follows is the basics you need for treatment of these channels. 

The cardinal number in front of each frequency represents the channel. These are the cardinal numbers for the 20 channels.8

1 UB

2 ST

3 GB

4 UT

5 CO

6 SI

7 LV

8 SP

9 KI

10 JI

11 BR

12 Pan

13 MA

14 TM

15 TR

16 HT

17 LU

18 SA

19 PT

20 PN

These numerical pairs are also anatomical divisions of the same relative pathway along the arm and leg. Stomach 2 and Pancreas 12 channels both enter or exit through the same first digit, and their pathways follow similar positions on their respective limbs.









































This second table represents the numbers for the cranial channels. Because several of the Lyme infections seem to cross the blood brain barrier, you usually need to use these channels to reach the pathogens in the brain or neurotoxins.

The sets of  points in the boxes in the colored Borrelia chart above represent channels that work together. For the acupuncturists reading this, these channels are two sets of division partners, but they are also partners in their acupuncture pulse positions on the wrist. Stomach channel (2) pairs with Small Intestine channel (6), on the new third position of the right wrist, although this again is a revision of the traditional pulse chart.

For those muscle testers who are adept enough to test point frequencies, here are the cardinal numbers for the Channels needed to treat the co-infections. Use the Borrelia chart above and just change the cardinal numbers. 5 and 15, 9 and 19 for Rickettsia. The digital fractions remain the same in all the boxes. Simple. Here are a few sample boxes.

Ricketsia helvetica

Mycoplasma f. incognito

Liver detox



Co 5.383, Tr 15.346

 Ki 9.532,  Pt 19.564

Du 1.383, Br 11.346

Ji 10.532, Pn 20.564

Lv 7.383, Lu 17.346

GB 3.532, Ma 13.564

cranial channels

Co 25.383, Tr 30.346

Ki 35.532,  Pt 40.346

Du 21.383, Br 26.346

Ji 31.532, Pn 36.564

Lv 33.383, Lu 38.346

GB 23.532, Ma 28.564

target vials: body

Colon: CD4s P53

Thyroid: T regs, CD8s, intestinal mucosa

Kidney: MHC

Pituitary/Sinus:T cell receptors

Du/Bladder:cox 2, dorsal horn

Brain: guanadine, dorsal ganglia

Jing: IGG, NFKb

Pineal: myelin



Gall bladder


target vials: cranium 

Co: motor, cerebellum, menninges, medulla

Tr: pons, orbitofrontal, lat. ventricles

Ki: delta waves, MSH

Pt: theta, hippocampus

Du: dopamine 

Br: fusiform, NMDA

Jing: menninges, satiety, ventricles

Pineal: memory, VMO. theta, arachnoid

Liver: glycogen, sulfation

Lung: glutathione, VIIIth  cranial nerve 

GB: acetylcholine 

Ma: neurotoxins TNF@

The correct frequencies on these channels will directly strengthen the vials and target areas for each of these pathogens. They will also incidentally strengthen vials and target areas for the organs of the channels. Regardless of whether the patient has colon or sinus problems, the right set of channels for the Mycoplasma fermentens incognitos will also be the right set for the colon or vice versa. If a person is suffering from acute diarrhea, then the imperative to treat the colon will co-opt the highway system of channels and grab the center lane. Treating the diarrhea with the correct Colon point will also test to treat the Mycoplasma, but once that is resolved, the treatment points will move to a different position on the chart and the body.

Acupuncture Shu and Mu Points for organs

Restoring the exhausted organs that have been fighting the infections for years is another area where acupuncture can be effective. Most alternative practitioners use supplements and herbs to do the restorative work. One simple table of acupuncture restorative points has been added to the protocol that a proficient muscle tester should be able to use easily. Again, do not just pick and choose what looks right, test against the body to see if the points strengthen an area of weakness.You don't want to strengthen the lungs unless the lungs test weak, or its the middle of flu season.

The following table consists of the nourishing Shu and Mu points used to restore depleted qi. I have expanded them from the traditional Shu list to include an organ for every spinal vertebral level. These points belong to the Stomach channel, not the Bladder. The Mu points that I use are not the traditional ones, but a matching set of yin frequencies on the front of the body, at each of the same vertebral levels as the Shu points. These Mu points are found on the Kidney channel. Test to see whether it is the Mu or Shu frequencies that best strengthen vials for the organs, or test over the area of the organ itself. Use two to six Mus or Shus each session to help restore exhausted organ function. Do not use the light orange boxes on Lyme Disease patients, or the blue colored ones on other autoimmune patients. They will cause an inflammatory response. If you want to strengthen the Liver shu and it is testing to be inflammatory: try the Mu. It is not worth setting off an autoimmune reaction while trying to rebuild. Run 3 minutes each. Vary them after a couple of months.



Shu freq.

Mu freq.



Shu freq.

Mu freq.

Olfactory VMO

C1 atlas




T 7




C2 axis



Gall Bladder

T 8







Small Intestine

T 9




anterior Pituitary
























T 12



Parathyroid, skin




Adrenal cortex

1st L 







Adrenal medulla

2nd L








3rd L








4th L








5th L








1st S








2nd Sacral








3rd S







If a person has a ventral horn weakness of the spinal cord at a certain vertebral level then the cardinal frequency before the decimal can be changed to a 10, representing the Ren channel that runs down the center line of the body. Use a ventral horn vial held in the patient's left hand to find where weaknesses are on the center channel. The Rickettsia helvetica bacteria must be cleared as well.

Symptom relief

It is often difficult to figure out which infection is causing which symptom. This is the detective work of the practitioner. If a Lyme Disease patient has knee pain, you will want to know if it is caused by the spirochetes, rickettsia, mycoplasma, an injury, or osteoarthritis. To determine which is the root cause, first touch the afflicted knee with one hand and push down on an extended arm with your other arm. The injured knee will make the arm muscle go down and not hold strength. Place a US Borrelia Mix vial in the Lyme Disease patient’s right hand and see if it strengthens the arm muscle while touching the knee. In untreated Lyme, it is usually the spirochetes that affect the knee, so that vial will strengthen the muscle response. They might also have an injury and osteoarthritis, in which case the Borrelia vial will only strengthen the knee up to say a field strength of five. You can then treat those other conditions as well, but not by this protocol.

With digestive symptoms it is often much harder to determine the cause of the disturbance. Digestive areas may require testing several different pathogen vials in order to produce strength in a particular area. You may need to put four or more pathogen vials in the patient’s right hand before the intestines or gall bladder shows strength. In a person without Lyme Disease, you could just say it was lack of stomach acid or not enough colon flora causing digestive symptoms, but in Lyme Disease one usually has to find the proper pathogens and eliminate them. In Lyme Disease, look to the Bartonellas and Rickettsia helvetica for digestive problems. Rickettsia helvetica seems to be the root of the gluten and dairy intolerances often found in Lyme Disease. All Bartonellas affect the digestive system as well as the skin: I have found that testing each of the listed Bartonella frequencies against a skin or Gall Bladder vial will let you know in short order which of the Bartonellas is causing trouble.

If pulses or target vials are not showing sufficient response to the Borrelias after a couple of months, increase the treatment time or have the patient run that part of the program more than once per day. If the patient is fragile, a child or elderly, start slowly with short treatment times and only a few pathogens to begin with. Start with a couple minutes of direct frequencies for the Borrelias, and add the supporting acupuncture frequencies. If the patient is highly sensitive to electromagnetic frequencies from the device, then start with just the mycoplasma frequencies for a month or so, then add the Borrelia. After a couple of weeks, add in the rest of the co-infections that test, and use longer treatment times. If the patient is still crashing in the afternoon or can’t sleep, you are probably missing an infection, but they may just need longer treatment time, or they may have exhausted endocrines. Daily treatment time is the variable I am least sure about. You cannot muscle test for time, nor for how extensive the infection is. If the patient is tiring at the end of the day, then probably they need increased time on the Borrelia, Ricketsia, or  Mycoplasma fermentens incognitos, either through repeating that section of treatment, or increasing initial time, or both. Many people run the program again when they wake in the middle of the night and report that they sleep better. Yet one should not over treat and run the program continually, or it will deplete energy. More than twice daily for the whole program would be counter productive for anybody. It will only dilute the effectiveness of the individual frequencies.

If someone develops an acute problem such as diarrhea from Clostridium difficile, place that frequency at the top of the program and have them run that frequency twice or more daily for a week or so to try and get it under control. I always use sets of colon acupuncture frequencies for this pathogen as well, so I am not sure how well the frequency will work on its own. (The Rickettsia acupuncture treatment also uses the Colon channel, but if the Clostridium is active, it will pull the direction of the point locations down the Colon channel.)  A severe rash from Bartonella or Rickettsia may also warrant repeated treatment during the day of just that part of the program. I often create a second program of the 'greatest hits', the most important parts currently being worked on. Once the acupuncture frequencies have been run for several weeks or months, the points themselves should have developed enough strength to require only a single treatment.

This protocol only treats the main spirochete and other tick borne infections of Lyme Disease, plus a few others added in. Late stage Lyme Disease may show opportunistic infection pathogens that are not listed.

Environmental and electromagnetic sensitivities usually improve once all these frequencies have been run for a couple of months. From testing, it appears that the Mycoplasma fermentens incognitos is the primary culprit behind environmental sensitivities. Insomnia is much more difficult to treat. The spirochetes, Rickettsias and the Mycoplasma f. incognitos all seem to affect the sleep areas. I have not yet resolved the problem in the more difficult cases.

We are entering an era of superbugs in both our bodies and computers. Protection is going to require sophisticated strategies to keep it all running. The resonant and point frequencies in this program are clearly not the ultimate Lyme Disease defense program, but at least they show a method to evaluate their effectiveness on target areas. Time will tell whether they simply do a better job of slowing disease progression, or whether they can actually train the immune system to keep the barbarians at the gates.

Many people already have rife devices that could be better programed. The great advantage of rife machines is that once they are correctly programmed all one has to do is push a button and treat during sleep. Rife frequencies offer energetic medicine through the filter of technology. Then there is also the delight of treatment without ingestion of substances.

Part E

This last section will explain how to create proper frequencies. This part is mostly for muscle testers, but you can read along if you are curious about the process.

Evaluation of Frequencies

There are several ways to confirm whether a frequency attributed to the pathogen is functional. The first would be put the bacteria under a microscope, turn on the rife frequency, and see the bacteria or virus explode. That was how Rife frequencies were originally documented. Since that method is not practical for most of us, we turn to energetic methods of confirmation. 

A simple way to confirm the effectiveness of a frequency is to see its effect on the body itself. If a finger joint has osteoarthritis, the arthritis frequency must make the finger joint test stronger. Hold the painful joint of someone with known osteoarthritis lightly before treatment, grab the patient’s raised forearm and push down. The forearm muscle should collapse or go weak and offer no resistance. This collapse is caused by a weak magnetic energy field created by the painful joint. Next, run a proper frequency for osteoarthritis (32408) on the frequency machine. While running that frequency, try pulling down on that arm again. It will not go down.9 The frequency has made the target area strong. If it is Lyme Disease arthritis, than the frequency will have no effect. Testing target areas is a great way to evaluate frequencies.

The second energetic method to verify effectiveness uses the analogue vials used throughout this protocol. These are small vials filled with salt water, that are imbued with the energy of an area or a substance. These vials act somewhat like digital pictures of a pathogen or a location, and have been used by chiropractors for decades to evaluate problem areas and effective treatments. Instead of testing the arthritic joint itself, a vial representing joint energy could be used to run a test. Run the osteoarthritis frequency, and it will strengthen the joint vial as well as the joint itself. These location vials are extremely useful in determining whether or not a pathogen is being cleared from a certain location on the body.

In Lyme Disease, vials for each of the co-infections act like digital fingerprints that allow us to speculate where the infections are located. Vials for immune pathways, blood or endocrines allow one to evaluate the repercussion of a series of frequencies. Admittedly, this is a long way from strict scientific procedure, but for those who work primarily on an energetic realm, they allow us to make connections that would cost millions to prove in a lab. As an acupuncturist, what I want is strong pulses and symptomatic relief. As an energetic practitioner, what I want is a myriad of strong energy fields; and these vials allow one to measure the strength of a thousand relevant fields.

Every living organ emanates magnetic waves that create a magnetic field surrounding it. Picking up the strength of a magnetic field is akin to tuning in to the invisible radio waves coming from a radio station. Once you learn how to tune into this magnetic energy, you will find emitting stations everywhere, on all living objects.

Chiropractors taught that if you placed a hand over the liver of a patient, and then pushed the patient’s strong arm down in a series of rapid gentle "pulses pushes", you could see how strong that liver’s magnetic field was. (Dr. Dick Versendahl, D.C. developed the whole CRA Contact Reflex Analysis school of treatment around this practice.) A pulsing of ten beats before the arm dropped over the organ is considered optimal. If the arm drops at five, the field strength is five, meaning that the organ requires some sort of treatment to strengthen it. 

If you don’t wish to touch the area over the liver directly, a "liver vial" will also reflect a weak liver, like a chameleon on a leaf. That liver vial will then reflect the strength of that field, because obviously the vial itself is not changing. Place the liver vial in the patient’s hand, and then "pulse" the field strength of the liver vial. It should test the same as touching over the actual liver. This becomes crucial when testing hidden areas like the pituitary gland. 

To validate a frequency, a magnetic field is measured while the frequency is running. If a vial is used to reflect a magnetic field, then that vial needs to reflect a pulsed energy of 9-10 while running the frequency. If the frequency only makes the vial test at 5, it is probably not going to be effective. Running the optimal Liver channel frequency for a particular patient should make the Liver pulse, the liver organ and the liver vial all pulse test at 7-10. Running the optimal Bartonella elizabetae frequency should make all target area vials for that bacteria test at 7-10, if you are even hoping to eradicate that particular species of Bartonella. (Older people have weaker magnetic fields, so you will not get a ninety year old to have any channel, pulse or organ much stronger than a 6.)

Acupuncture pulses10 are also magnetic fields, so I always measure the magnetic strength of each pulse before and after treatment to determine effectiveness. Instead of pushing down on arms, I use a little circular device attached to my belt, known as a resonator, to measure the strength of the pulses and vials. You measure the resistance produced while creating circles on this plate. If the energy breaks at the fifth circle while touching a pulse, then the pulse energy is a five out of ten. I prefer the objectivity of measuring pulse fields over the traditional Chinese subjective methods of assessment.

Chiropractors familiar with CRA or Applied Kinesiology will easily be able to do this kind of testing. They will probably also be able to use their own fingers or a resonator to self test the strength of any field. This is really a method for people with advanced muscle testing abilities, but the patient and other practitioners should know how it is done. Eventually all this diagnosis and evaluation will be done with machines that measure these energetic fields. For now it is us humans working with palpable energies that must create these energetic evaluations. Just because an untrained person cannot sense these fields, does not mean they don't exist.

It bears repeating that the crucial thing in Lyme Disease is to make sure that your frequencies strengthen the target areas optimally. You can either use the resonant “direct” frequencies, or acupuncture points translated into frequencies; or both together. The trick is to make sure the frequency brings the target area vials from whatever low number they are testing at, up to an 8 - 10 field strength. Direct target areas for spirochetes are the spine, knees, neck, sciatic nerve, or lower back areas. An untreated Lyme Disease patient will almost always show weakness on those areas, and the resonant or acupuncture frequencies must strengthen those areas. Many of the reputably effective frequencies for Borrelia such as 625 or 380 only brought the field strength of the spinal cord up to a two or a three on pictures of untreated patients. That is apparently enough to strengthen pulses slightly and give some symptomatic relief, but I want any given energetic frequency to bring the field strength of the monitoring vials to at least eight or nine initially, and then return it to an eight or nine every time you adjust the frequency for mutations.11

When you buy a frequency machine, it usually comes with a booklet and set of program files for many conditions; each of theses files bloated with unexplained frequencies. I believe that adding additional frequencies from other Lyme Disease rife protocols will probably only dilute this protocol’s effectiveness. The majority of those frequencies proved useless in my estimation, so test to make sure a frequency is effective before using it. If it doesn't show to be effective energetically then it will not show to be effective practically, says fifteen years of experience. 

If you happen to need to find a frequency for a single pathogen, such a a strep, that is not listed in this protocol, the best bet is to look for published frequencies with decimal points. When looking through files of points and you come across a four or five digit frequency with a couple of decimal points, such as 18022.92 for Clostridium botulinum (botulism), then that frequency is usually the correct one. Forget the rest of the frequencies on the list. How then does one demonstrate that this frequency is optimal? Have a healthy person hold the vial of that bacteria while the frequency is running: the field strength will allow one to push on an arm 10 times before it drops to the table. (On my machine the optimal frequency was 18020.92, because my frequency emitter has less resistance.) This means that the effect of that frequency is strong enough to coincide with the analogue energy in the vial. Self testers can simply hold the vial, and use their own fingers to pulse the strength of the frequency.

This is the initial frequency one works with. This frequency must then be tested against the location of the bacteria in the body: bone, spinal fluid, etc. If someone actually had botulism, then the colon vial and colon organ location on that person would be considerably strengthened energetically when running that frequency. If you find a difference between the frequency that strengthens the vial and that which strengthens the target area; choose the frequency that strengthens the target area. I have never seen a case of botulism. The listed frequency strengthens the vial admirably; but if I did see a patient with this malady, then I would want to check frequencies above and below 18022 such as 18020 and 18025, to make sure that the listed frequency is truly the best one for the colon. Again, I make no claims for killing pathogens; as a practitioner, I am only looking for frequencies that strengthen the target area.

Babesia microti, the malarial like parasite of red blood cells found in Lyme Disease ticks, provides another clear illustration of the clearing process. A vial for red blood cells or erythrocytes can be used as the target area, and the frequency for Babesia microti is then run while the vial for red blood cells is placed on the body. The frequency listed in this protocol should bring the strength of the field around the red blood cell vial to ten. That particular resonant frequency seems to clear the parasite energetically in three to four months. If the patient has been treated with Mepron or Artemesian, then the parasite may have mutated, and the frequency might have to be adjusted. So far, I have not seen mutations or that an adjustment was needed, but I don’t treat a lot of patients who have taken Mepron. Babesia seems to clear rather easily with this protocol. If the patient shows to have a related species, Babesia duncanii, also known as Babesia WA 1, then use that frequency instead. 

Creating Frequencies

Try using the frequencies listed in Part C, they represent years of trial and error refinement. If they do not work, or the patient presents with some unusual bacterial or viral infection, then try searching for a frequency on the web or some other source of rife files. Often the file will list a series of frequencies that do not have the decimal points that make it an obvious choice. For example: frequencies I found listed for Clostridium Difficile were 387, 635, and 673. (Clostridium difficile or C. Diff causes diarrhea in immune compromised individuals, so it is often seen in late stage Lyme Disease.) Check each of these frequencies on the list, using an energetic vial for Clostridium Difficile. Run each frequency while holding the vial for the pathogen on the body of the patient afflicted. In this case, none of the above frequencies strengthens the pathogen vial. (They may be sine wave frequencies.) Remember though that we already found a good frequency for botulism, which is another Clostridium, and so related. Related species show to have related frequencies. Botulism (Clostridium botulinum) was 18022 so start in the 18022 range and look for a frequency that will strengthen the C. diff. vial. You have to move up to the 18132 frequency range to find the C. diff. frequencies. You must then check that frequency, 18132, against the colon of an actual person, or photo of a person, with the disease. This particular bacteria is known to have many resistant strains, so a C. Diff. vial may only be a vague indicator of the mutated pathogen. (Be sure and purchase a vial for Clostridium histolyticum, which seem to be associated with autism, so you can differentiate between the two.) The frequency that strengthens the target area; the colon in this case, always take precedence over the vial frequency alone. (The frequency for resistant C. diff can appear in the 19000 range, presumably because of severe resistance.)

The other complicating factor in figuring out frequencies, is that a patient may have several gut bacterias that contribute to the low energy field of the colon. When a patient only has C. diff.,  then running the correct frequency will bring the colon energy to ten. If there are six different pathogens besides C. diff. affecting a patient’s colon, then the C. diff. frequency alone will just make the colon vial somewhat stronger. You have to settle for the frequency that most strengthens the colon, even if it only brings that colon area to 5. The next step is to try to find the other bacteria or fungi affecting their gut and then find those frequencies. Lyme Disease patients are immune compromised and therefore attract a host of nasty pathogens. Yet it should be noted that harmful bacteria can be living in the colon without causing harm, or raising an energetic footprint. For example: most people’s intestines harbor a few E. Coli bacterium which do not seem to be visible energetically. If the pulses or energy fields around an organ or a bacteria vial remain strong, then presumably the gut can handle this level of infection.

If a pathogen has no listed frequency, then the rife frequency must be created from scratch. Take a vial of the pathogen, check frequencies from 100 to 1000 at intervals of 100, and then from 1000 to 10,000 at intervals of 1000. See which one strengthens the vial the most; it will usually bring it up to a 2-4 field strength. So if the first round gives you 900 then you check 910, 920 etc. That second numeral should bring the test vial to a strength of 4 to 5. Continue this process until you have a number with two decimal places after it. That number should brings the field strength of the vial to 10 when tested over an infected patient. Next, multiply that frequency by 11 to see if the 11th harmonic is also valid. If both number do not work, then you have to go back and refine again. You are better off using frequencies in the thousands range, but it is often hard to get that initial thousand range numeral, you have to be  pretty sensitive. 

There are two major difficulties with energetic protocols for Lyme Disease. The first is how to judge effectiveness in dealing with a pathogen as difficult to treat as Borrelia. It is hard to know which direct resonant frequencies are blasting it out of existence, and which are maybe just stunning it. Since no lab tests are being run, the best one can do is ensure that the target areas are optimally strengthened.

The second more general weakness in energetic protocols is the practitioner’s tendency to project their own bias onto an energy reading. For a while I thought I was seeing 6 Rickettsias and 15 Bartonellas, most of which became mirages once my muscle testing techniques and frequencies became more refined. If your frequency for Bartonella elizabetai is not accurate enough then many other Bartonella species will still show up as weaknesses, confusing the issue considerably. More accurate frequencies shorten the lists of probable pathogens, and thus should make the detective work of the next practitioner a little easier. Beware of the tendency to project. It is very easy to imagine you are seeing that new swine flu, or anthrax, or whatever new Lyme Disease discovery comes out this month. Check that anthrax or influenza vial against target areas such as the lung, so you can safely discard it as yet another delusion.

It usually takes me several revisions to get a correct frequency for any single bacteria or virus, and I have been doing this for years. It is really easy to imagine you are creating strength in an area or vial when you are not. The good thing about rife frequencies is that if they are wrong, they will not prove to be effective, and you should easily discover the error the next time the patient comes in for treatment. You observe whether the target area and the vial for the pathogen has attained optimal field strength, and if not, you adjust. Checking the target area is also the best way to avoid treating imaginary infections. If the meningitis bacteria vial tests positive, it is most probably a spirochete affecting the meninges, and not the real thing. If you place the viral meningitis pathogen vial in the patient’s right hand, and then see if it strengthens the base of the neck or brain area. If the vial for viral or bacterial meningitis does not strengthen the brainstem and brain itself, then it is a mirage, and its frequency will not strengthen the area either. That said, treating an imaginary meningitis infection with a frequency is likely to have far less adverse side effects than a western misdiagnosis and treatment. Of course it is important to be as accurate as is possible, and not load the program with ineffective junk frequencies. 

The intent of this protocol has been to both create a model for treatment and a model for evaluating the effectiveness of treatments. It has been dismaying to me to see how many practitioners treating Lyme Disease think the spirochetes are gone if the vial for the spirochetes no longer goes weak, ignoring the probability of mutation. Checking the spirochete target areas would easily confirm that the pathogen is still active. Other rife programs for Lyme Disease rely on fixed frequencies for spirochetes, or scanning an array of possible frequencies, neither of which is likely to produce lasting results. While it may be a drag to have to keep finding new frequencies for resistant spirochetes, it should be noted that TB, malaria and AIDS all have to deal increasingly with resistance, so one might as well get used to the process. Wave frequencies are a lot simpler to change than antibiotics or other pharmaceuticals.

More broadly this whole protocol relies on a type of energetic diagnosis, muscle testing, that is not widely accepted. It requires some skill to carry it out effectively. The difficulties in diagnosing the myriad infections of Lyme Disease has brought more practitioners into the muscle testing camp, and I hope that this protocol will induce them to hone their skills to the level required for rationally contesting this new world wide plague. If someone can devise an electronic monitoring device that will help substantiate which frequencies are optimal, then so much the better. Energetic medicine needs energetic monitoring, and if technology can make that process more accurate, then it should be welcomed. Acupuncture frequencies are surely a tremendous addition to the field of energy medicine, and I hope these tables of frequencies will excite practitioners of all stripes to begin to include them in their practices. Lyme Disease, like diabetes, should be a manageable disease that no longer destroys lives and livelihoods. Good clinical outcomes in Lyme Disease are going to require a significant change in both manners of treatment and methods of evaluation.

This program has been revised innumerable times, and most certainly still contains numerous minor errors. I will keep posting the corrections, variations and improvements occasionally, as they become known. 

Sample program

Major Neurological Pathogens






BB ac


BB ac


BB ac


BB ac 16.564

BB ac


BB ac


BB ac




time min.











Rick. helv.





RH ac





















MFI 28381























Babesia microti

anaplasma phag.



Bartonella bacilli.

Bartonella vins. berkhoffi






















3 min

1 min

4 min

1 min

4 min

1 min

4 min

1 min

4 min 

1 min

4 min

1 min

3 min

3 min

1 contact Barry Sideroff if you are interested. I am not affiliated with him or the company in any way.

2 Quantum iLife/iNfinity. This app works from a photo of the person taken on their I-pad, and does address Lyme Disease pathogens, but does not account for the spirochete's mutability. Nor does it begin to diagnose and treat the numerous co-infections effectively. In my opinion.

3 PCR testing has improved since I first wrote this. Having a positive lab test really helps to convince people they need treatment. I think lab tests are less useful in proving that the infection has disappeared; the spirochetes can easily re-emerge a few months after the test shows they are no longer present.

4 Vial testing is explained in more detail in parts C and E of this protocol. 

5 Go to website archives for the story.

6 A Google search proposed Clostridium perifingus as the underlying bacteria for MS. That does correlate energetically. 

7 Interested practitioners should read my book: A Map is not the Territory, available at

8 Traditional Chinese medicine only recognizes 12 channels plus the Du and the Ren. There are 20. Read my book. A Map is Not the Territory.

9 If it does go down then check two hertz above (32410) to see if your machine is sending through a different type of emitter. If it still doesn't work then your machine and my protocol are incompatible.

10 The acupuncture pulse positions have been altered a lot in my revision of acupuncture. If you are using the pulses to monitor progress, you should check out A Map Is Not The Territory.

11 If a person is seriously ill, then the field strength will only get somewhat better, and not initially attain the 8-10 field strength sought after. Likewise if they have another infection, say osteoarthritis affecting their knees or elbows.

El Bienestar Acupuncture Clinic
615 W. Alameda St Santa Fe, NM 87501
